AAA Advantage Cards (Comenity) Not "Sync-ing" with Quicken

My wife and I both recently got AAA Advantage Visa Cards. I've tried adding them to Quicken, but after I provide my user name and password to our Comenity / AAA Advantage CC accounts, it returns as "no account number", and if I try to edit the account and add an account number, the "account number" field is disabled. Can anyone help me with this, or provide a workaround?
Thanks in advance! :)
I confirm that I have the same problem. My AAA Travel Advantage Visa quit connecting (downloading) within the past week. I did a RESET on the Online Express connection, but now when I try to redo the SETUP, I usually get the error "Have you entered your user ID and password correctly?". Sometimes it just says "Oops! We have a problem."
One Quicken oddity: Even though I have Reset (cleared) the Online Connection for this account, Quicken will not allow me to change the Bank Name on the account nor does it prompt me on the "Select Your Bank" screen. It appears that Quicken has internally stored the Comenity Bank connection info and bypasses the Bank Selection screen when pressing the Setup button for the Online Connection. I ran a File Validation and it indicated something was fixed for this account, but the problem and the behavior remains.
As a test, I tried setting up a NEW account (Add New Account) which DOES begin by asking me to select my bank. Nonetheless, after I provide my login credentials (for Comenity AAA card) I get the "Oops we have a problem" error.
I will continue to try to re-establish this connection each day — Comenity is known for subpar technology updates. A pain in the a**.
In the meantime, can Quicken support tell us who is working on it and what to expect?
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I also still get the same error message. Looks like this is a Comenity Bank problem.
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5 days ago mine quit as well. I tried to reset and it deleted the connection and I continuously get error about password or ID. I tried setting up a new account in Quicken and I get the same errors.
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I'm having the same issue. Have tried same fixes previously mentioned plus I ran a file validation as well. Keep getting same cc-503 error.
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Hello All,
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.
We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached and (if you are willing) a sanitized copy of your data file in order to contribute to the investigation.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.
We apologize for any inconvenience!
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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I have the same problem and it started last week. [Removed - Speculation/Rant]
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Same problem. AAA Travel Advantage card. I can log in on the AAA comenity website, so my credentials are correct; syncing with Quicken trying same credentials Comenity does not recognize them.
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You fixed it! Today it logged on and updated. Thank you.😁
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Hello All,
Thank you for taking the time to report this issue to the Community, although we apologize for any frustration or inconvenience experienced.
This issue has been reported to our Development and Product teams for further investigation and resolution. Though we do not currently have an ETA, you can bookmark this Community Alert to get updates when available and to know when the issue is resolved. If you do not see the bookmark icon at the upper right, please make sure you are logged into the Community.
Thank you!
(Ticket #10894154)
Quicken Kristina
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The issue described in this thread has continued to affect my Quicken installation for several days. The issue may be resolved for some but not all?
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Hello @ccWritr78,
To assist with this issue, please provide more information. What exact error messages/codes are you seeing when you try to connect? Is this happening when trying to add an account to your Quicken file, or is it happening when you're trying to update/reconnect an account that was previously connected and able to update?
I look forward to your reply!
Quicken Kristina
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@Quicken Kristina I made what I consider a full report to Support about 24 hours ago. Every time I ran One Step Update up until late February, all my accounts synced with no problems. As of late February, one account no longer syncs. This is the error reported, which I have received consistently for the past several weeks:
"Needs Your Attention
"AAA Advantage Visa CC
"CC-800 | 1 account
"It appears one or more account(s) at AAA Advantage Visa CC have been deleted. [I don't know what this means. I see it among my accounts. I don't recall deleting anything in regard to this account.] This could happen if you have restored from a backup file. [I have not had to restore any backup files, knock on wood.] You must add the account(s) to Quicken again. [It seems to me that I have tried that, but given that I see it right there on the screen, it was never deleted, I'm not sure what I should do.] Select Fix it to resolve this error. For more information see the FAQ." [I click the Fix It button, nothing is fixed.]
Assistance appreciated that would help me resolve this, as I just paid my Quicken bill for another year, and I use this CC a lot. Thank you!
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Thank you for your reply @ccWritr78,
A CC-800 error generally means that something is preventing the server from properly recognizing the account, resulting in an error rather than a successful update. Sometimes it's a temporary issue and trying to update again will correct it. If the issue persists, then to start troubleshooting, backup your Quicken file, then please follow these steps from this article on CC-800 errors:
First, you'll need to deactivate the affected accounts:
- Select Tools > Account List
- If present, select the Show Hidden Accounts checkbox at the bottom of the Account List
- Select Edit on each account with this error and Deactivate them on the Online Services tab
- When finished, close the Account List.
Second, reactivate the accounts:
- Select Tools > Add Account
- Go through the flow of re-adding the deactivated accounts to Quicken, use your login credentials and answer any security questions, until you reach the screen where Quicken displays the Accounts Discovered at the financial institution
- Select to LINK each of the found accounts to the accounts you already have set up in Quicken. For accounts you don't want to link, select Don't add to Quicken.
Please let me know how it goes!
Quicken Kristina
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@Quicken Kristina These steps resolved my issue completely. Thank you!
I recall attempting something similar weeks ago without success, likely an error at my end (that I still can't identify) or possibly, I suppose, an issue in the financial institution's processes that took a while to resolve.
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Thank you for your reply,
I'm glad to hear the issue is resolved.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out!
Quicken Kristina
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