Comenity Cards connection issues - possible fix


I have the answer, at least one that worked for me! The forum keeps eating my post and blocking the link. egads.

I happen to be on Windows using Quicken Classic, but I actually think that is irrelevant.

I kept getting either no error code or several different ones. I finally got the error code CC-800, and that led me to the right answer. I'm assuming that this still would have fixed it the times when it reported other error codes. Anyway, it is worth a try!

Find the support document titled Error Message When Updating Accounts: CC-800

The forum won't let me post the direct link, so I'm putting in (space)# to try and make it not recognize it. Just stript that out if searching doesn't lead you to the right help document. https #:// #www. #quicken. #com #/ #support #/ #error-message-when-updating-accounts-cc-800

Follow the document instructions EXACTLY. Note that this is NOT deleting and then re-adding the account. This is Deactivating and Reactivating the account.

My account is connecting and updating properly now, and no data was lost or corrupted.

Quicken, I spent a very long time working on this, including with your chat support, to no avail. If this works for others, you owe me a consulting fee!

LOL kmk


  • ElanaElyce
    ElanaElyce Member ✭✭

    When I did this, it deactivated and then did not allow me to reactivate it. :-(

  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Moderator mod

    Hello @kmkelmor,

    Thank you for coming to share your resolution steps with other users!

    -Quicken Jasmine

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