Re-connect a bank account

My bank closed for a few days, presumably changed some systems, merged with another bank and opened with an all new web page (although, still at the same URL and my same password). Now I cannot download account information to Quicken
How can I disconnect and re-attach this bank in Quicken program? Or do I have to fully close the account in Quicken, and start a new bank account?
(I only download from the bank page every week, I don't use the Quicken vault/automatic update tool.)
Hello @Son_of_Moon,
Which financial institution is this? Are you receiving any error codes or messages when attempting to download transactions? Have you already disconnected the accounts and are trying to add them back?
Let me know!
-Quicken Jasmine
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It is Flagstar Bank. I am using desktop 2024 Quicken Classic Deluxe R54.16.
There are no codes. It looks as tho my bank doesn't recognize my bank or account. After opening my bank account page and downloading, the Quicken note says "Quicken is currently unable to verify the financial institution information for this download. Please try again later".
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I have not disconnected any banks…..and right now, not sure how to.
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I had this same issue with the new Flagstar web site. I had to reset each of my accounts separately; in the past, resetting one account at that bank allowed me to reset all of the accounts at that bank. It took multiple attempts over two days before it worked, but it did eventually work.
Another issue with Flagstar is that in the past, when I first connected to Flagstar I had to approve the connected application (Quicken) so that it would allow direct connect and I didn't need to use 2-factor authentication every time I connected. Now, even though I can connect, I need to enter a security code every time I do a One Step Update. when I go to the place on the Flagstar site where connected apps are approved, I get this message:You have no approved connected apps or any awaiting authorization. If you would like to connect an app to your accounts, you must start by sending a connection request in the app you wish to connect.
I do not need to get a security code when I log into Flagstar through a browser other than the first time after their redesign.
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Hello @Son_of_Moon,
Thank you for providing more information.
First, I suggest you try to deactivate all accounts for this financial institution, then force Quicken to "discover" all available accounts and see if this will help resolve it. Please, follow the instructions below in order to do so. It is recommended to save a backup before proceeding (just in case).
- Open the Account List in Quicken (Tools > Account List OR Ctrl + A)
- If present, select the Show Hidden Accounts checkbox at the bottom of the Account List
- Edit each account with this financial institution to Deactivate (or Remove From One Step Update) on the Online Services tab
- Click on the General tab and remove any info displayed in the Financial Institution, and Account/Routing Number fields. Note: The account must be deactivated first before these fields can be edited.
- When finished, close the Account List
- Close, then re-open Quicken
- Navigate to Tools > Add Account
- Walkthrough this process as if you were going to add a new account, providing the login credentials and answering any security questions/processes presented until you reach the screen where Quicken displays the Accounts Discovered at the financial institution
- Very carefully LINK each of the found accounts to the appropriate account you already have set up in Quicken.
Let me know how it goes!
Hello @Rick_A,
Thank you for joining this thread and sharing this information. Are you still experiencing issues with your Flagstar account(s)?
-Quicken Jasmine
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First of all, THANK YOU very much for the step-by-step directions….that's exactly what I needed.
I did de-activate Flagstar from Quicken program. When I tried to re-connect, it failed. I tried a few times, and it didn't work. First it said there was a server problem at Flagstar. The next few times it just said "Sorry, we encountered an error. (It's not your fault.)"
So I called Flagstar support. They said, because I AM able to download OFX file's from their web page, then it isn't their problem. I tried to explain that yes I can download their file, but my Quicken program cannot read it because it cannot accept it, because it cannot connect to Flagstar. They didn't get it…..they just kept saying it is a problem with my Quicken.
So right now, I am still stuck. I will re-try the re-connect process in a few days (as Flagstar DID say they were having other problems). If anyone has any suggestions, or wants more info from me…..let me know.
Signed, Frustrated!
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Hello Jasmine,
I'm no longer having any trouble downloading the account information, although I do still need to get a code from Flagstar each time I do an update. it's a bit annoying but I can get used to it.
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Rick, you might call Flagstar. When I did (about my issue) they asked if it was because of a code needed. Whatever that problem is…..I think the know about it, and may have a work-around.
(I don't have that issue.)
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It's been over a week since I last tried to attach Flagstar to my Quicken program. It is still not working; same problem, same error message.
No help from Quicken. Not help from Flagstar. They both say it's the others, problem. So in the end…..I am without the connection. (Can I get a refund from Quicken because their program doesn't work?)
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Hello @Son_of_Moon,
I do apologize for the delay in my response.
Which Flagstar instance are you attempting to connect with (see screenshot below)?
Let me know!
-Quicken Jasmine
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.
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I don't really know. The logo on the monthly statement says Flagstar Bank. (just like it shows in your image.) And that's what I've always heard to be.
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Just wanted to say a big thanks. had the same issue. this helped me solve it. The bank (Flagstar) was purchased by NYCB in 2022 and just went through a rebranding. seems like when they did that, it created some issue with the connection to Quicken even though user ID and PW was not changed, but got it working with this string of advice. Thanks to you all!
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But when I am in Quicken, and try to connect…..the Active One Step Update page just shows it as FLAGSTAR.
I am not able to see any other choices (of Flagstar names), when I use TOOLS…..ACCOUNT LIST pull down. Is there another way to add a bank, where I might have more FLAGSTAR name choices?
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Hey heikkilunta Can you tell me the exact steps that you did, to make this problem go away? I have followed the steps from Quicken Jasmine precisely and it does not work. I noticed that you are brand new to the Quicken Community, welcome. But it seems odd that your first and only comment backs Jasmine, and it didn't work for me.
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Hello All
I too am having an issue with Flagstar Bank since the merge and shut down of their website in February. I have had several contacts with Flagstar Bank, regarding the repeated 2FA request when downloading from Quicken. They say since it does not occur when logging into their site directly (true), therefore it is Quickens problem. I have requested escated discussion with Flagstar IT and have not received response as of yet. As in the March 6 comment from Quicken Jasmine, I used Flagstar - New Login to re-connect my accounts. This is the same instance as I used previously before the change; it has worked seamlessly for many years. Now I am able to connect, but not without the additional process of entering a required code. I then also tried connecting to Flagstar with the Flagstar Web Connect choice, got the same results. The problem here is that I can no longer do scheduled downloads as the code step interferes with that automated process. It is time consuming and very frustrating. I use desktops, both Windows and Mac, they both display the same issue. I have a Quicken subscription which renews next month, I cannot continue unless this issue is fixed. I have had a relationship with Quicken for over 25 years. I am not an IT person;…. Isn't it possible to have some sort of token in the program that recognizes my devices so codes are no longer requested? There needs to be an escalated discussion between Quicken and Flagstar Bank. Please advise. Thank You
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Hello brighteyes. Firstly, this Community wont help you; as you can see, nothing useful was provided to me. And it seems possible, that no one really reads these.
My issue (which sounds exactly like yours) was sort of resolved, but with A LOT of trouble on my part. Flagstar is right, it's not their problem, it's a Quicken problem. I called the Quicken Customer service number (650-250-1900). They were friendly and helpful. Basically they walked me thru disconnecting and reconnecting Flagstar account, And when finished, they asked me to click the UPDATE NOW icon, and it did actually update all of my Flagstar accounts. It also downloaded many transactions that were already processed, and I had to guess at which ones were duplicates. I thought all was good, until I tried again (probably like you) days later to download bank info from the Flagstar web site. It didn't work. I tried other credit card accounts, and they too would not download.
So I called Quicken Customer service again. And again they were patient and helpful. This time they showed me how to go back and use a backup file. AND ALSO disconnect and reconnect all the accounts. And at the end, I thought it was done and she asked me to check using the UPDATE NOW icon….and yet again, it worked!
Except I STILL cannot download from web sites. I have to use the UPDATE NOW icon. In some ways it is a bit faster and easier, but also I do not really see all the account pages (for maybe pending items or more a more detailed descriptions). So that's where I am at. I cannot download from web sites, but can download from Quickens UPDATE NOW. The one single benefit I found is that I have a Discover credit card and a couple years ago stopped letting people download to Quicken from their web site; but using the UPDATE NOW button, it does download.
It took me dozens of HOURS to rebalance all of my Quicken accounts. Like you, I wish Quicken would somehow pay us back for so many mistakes and problems. I still have a couple of issues, but while the customer support is friendly and patient, each time I talked with them the exact issue was resolved, but it created two other bigger issues.
Good luck. And I'm sorry, but we're kinda on our own, with Quicken.
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Hello All,
I finally was able to find a solution for this problem. I too have spent some time on this issue and called Flagstar to investigate, but I got nothing back from them. Today I thought about comparing previous downloads to the new one that's not working and it boiled down to the <ORG>, <FI>, <INTU.BID>, and <BANKID> tags, it seems that after the merger the NYCB numbers are not yet recognized by Quicken, but the old ones still work. My solution was to edit the QFX download file that I got from Flagstar and was giving me the error, I used Notepad to edit it, it's a very simple editor. Just find the above tags in (see the following section) and edit the numbers to use the old Flagstar routing number, FI, etc…, then save it. Doubleclick the file to upload the transactions in Quicken. It's the quickest way that I was able to find to solve this issue. It's not the best but it worked for now until Quicken and Flagstar sort things out.
: (you have to skip some lines that you just leave as is, then)
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Thank you. What you provided is probably helpful and solves the problem. Unfortunately, I don't understand the language or what it means. But thank you.