Check Pay Requested, Not rec’d by vendor, Not Paid by Bank. Why?

A certain Check Pay - Payment Status reads:
02/23/2024 Payment Initiated
The following Fields were correct: Payee, Address, Amount, From Account, Check Number, and Payment Method (Check Pay)
03/06/2024 Payment Date
03/11/2024 Estimated Delivery Date
Then, if you select “Preview” [check] at the bottom of the Payment Status screen, I see the only info missing on this check preview, was the Address. Aha !!
Did Quicken actually mail a check or not? That is the question. Quicken would not mail a check payment that does not have an address on the check , would they?
Here is what I know today -- 03/25/2024:
My creditor did not receive the payment – thus I now have a prior balance AND a ‘late fee’ on my new bill. My bank reconciliation is current and shows this Check Number 9xxxx open and outstanding.
O, Master Quicken Person, what actions do you recommend for me ?
Will Quicken close the mail address gap for the check payment status? I mean the gap where the payment status shows an address in your control records, BUT your actual check does not get to the creditor with no address to send to.
That is just a suggestion.
As just another Quicken Community user I'd suggest that …
If you haven't done so already, I'd say it's time to call Quicken Support on the phone during posted hours of operation and request help. Let them do a screen share session with you to review the situation on your computer, to determine the nature of the problem and to figure out how to fix it.
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