Ally Invest Securities - not updating information or transactions


I tried resetting the connection

I tired deleting the account and re adding.

It connections and says it was updated but no holdings or transactions are added to the account. The was working in the past.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod

    Hello @Electricflow,

    I sent you a Direct Message. Please click the envelope icon near the upper right to view it.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I thought I saw an Alert about ALLY no longer supporting sending Investment data to Quicken ?
    Wonder if you now have to setup two different Quicken entries - AllyBank and Ally Invest Securities ?

    QWin - R54.16 - Win10

  • Electricflow
    Electricflow Member

    Ps56k2- I setup a test quicken file and tried using Ally invest securities. It could see the same as just choose Ally bank. I only added the Investment account and it Still did not get any of the positions.

    I also added my Robin Hood account, and it is not showing any of my positions.
    I have other investment accounts that are updating properly.
    both are set to simple, but changing them to complete does not fix the issue. Ally is updating checking and savings accounts properly

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply @Electricflow,

    The alert that @Ps56k2 is thinking of was replaced with this FAQ.

    When I check on our end, I'm not seeing any error messages or codes that would explain why your Robinhood account isn't downloading. To look into this issue further, when adding the account in your Quicken file, what process did you go through? Were you redirected to their website to authorize your account(s)? Is there any multi-factor authentication you typically need to do to access your account(s) with Robinhood? If so, were you getting those prompts in your Quicken? When adding the account, did Quicken "see" the balance on the Add/Link screen, but then show $0 once the account was added?

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Electricflow
    Electricflow Member

    Hi, Sorry had not had a lot of time lately, getting back to this now.
    I will walk though what I am doing utilizing a new quicken file.

    Add Account→ Choose RobinHood→"Quicken Classic uses Intuit Connect".. I choose Continue→ Prompt for Email and Password for Robinhood inside of quicken, Entered both in & checked save to vault and clicked connect→ Two Factor for Robin hood is text a number (all while in quicken) Enter number and clicked ok→ It sees robinhood investments XX2000 , Type Brokerage, Nickname RobinHood, and add to quicken, no values are shown Click Next→ Simple Investing is the only option selectable, Click next→Updating your accounts shows up and then the questions is this a single mutual fund account, I choose No and then next→ Then choose Finish→ The account balance still shows 0 and there is no investment data. Performing an update positions shows the account updated but no data is still present.

    I tried the same steps with ally Except choose to download transactions (not simple) and it asked me to verify Cash balance, It said Not Provided for last downloaded Cash balance. I choose 0 and then No to the single mutual fund account. Then finish. It did not show any positions for my account. Both Ally and Robinhood balances are still 0

    Is there a place to look at the log that was downloaded from each site?

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Electricflow - you are now scrambling the ALLY topic by including your Robinhood issues

    QWin - R54.16 - Win10

  • Electricflow
    Electricflow Member

    Yes sorry about that, However its odd that they are having the same issue for me and I thought that would be significant.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    It may be significant, but since they're two different financial institutions, there could also be separate causes. If you are wanting to view the log files to see what data is being sent, you can do that in the Quicken program by going to Help>Contact Support>Log Files.

    Due to the nature of the issues you're encountering, I recommend contacting Quicken Support directly for further assistance as they have access to tools that we on the Community can't access and they're able to escalate the issue as needed. The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.

    I apologize that I could not be of more assistance!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

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