Citibank Downloading Manual Transactions

Whenever I go online and manually transfer funds from one account to another, that transaction does not get downloaded into Quicken. It is only downloading transactions that come into the bank. Not all transactions.
Hello @FeldmanFam7,
To help troubleshoot this issue, could you please clarify what is happening? The title of your post says that Citibank is downloading manual transactions, but then the post itself talks about a seemingly different issue. Are you having an issue with transactions you already had manually in your Quicken getting duplicated when Citibank downloads into Quicken? If not, could you clarify what is happening with manual transactions?
When it comes to missing transactions, are the only transactions that aren't downloading transfers between your Citibank accounts? If you haven't done so already, I recommend following the steps in this article on missing transactions to troubleshoot the issue.
I look forward to your response!
Quicken Kristina
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