One Step Update Not Updating Wife's Chase Bank Credit Card

WayneW Quicken Windows Subscription Member

Quicken Classic Version: R55.26

My wife and I have a joint checking and joint savings at Chase Bank. Additionally, we each have our own separate Chase credit card accounts (not joint) and my wife has her own separate Savings account (not joint). My wife has her own log-in and password for Chase as do I.

When doing One Step Update, my wife's personal Savings Account will update, but her Credit Card will not. If I do a Reset on her account, I'm taken to a Chase log-in screen where I enter her log-in credentials. The reset proceeds, but then I get an error that my Chase credit card was not found and should be deleted from Quicken. If I reset my Chase credit card account, I get an error that my wife's Chase credit card account was not found and should be deleted from Quicken. However, my wife's personal Savings Account, which I do not have access to with my log-in credentials, continues to update normally even if her credit card does not.

This is a problem, that has only popped up in the last few months. Prior to that all of our accounts updated normally.

Attached is a screen shot of my Quicken account list showing that my wife's Chase credit card is not being updated.

Please advise!

Best Answer

  • WayneW
    WayneW Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Answer ✓


    This morning, I deactivated online services for my wife's accounts and then reactivated them. All the accounts were linked to and it didn't unlink my credit card account. Problem solved!



  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @WayneW,

    To clarify the issue, please provide more information. When did you first notice this issue? Are your wife's credit card login credentials different from the personal savings account login credentials? Is your credit card under completely separate login credentials from your wife's card? Are any of these accounts connected in a different Quicken file? When you are going through the process to authorize/link the account, are any other accounts being seen in the Add/Link window (sample image below)?

    If other accounts are being seen, are you making sure that they show "Don't add to Quicken" in the action column?

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • WayneW
    WayneW Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    When did you first notice this issue? It’s been going on for a couple of months.

    Are your wife's credit card login credentials different from the personal savings account login credentials? No, she has 1 log-on for accessing our joint accounts and her own personal savings and credit card.

    Is your credit card under completely separate login credentials from your wife's card? Yes. With my log-on I see our joint accounts and my credit card account.

    Are any of these accounts connected in a different Quicken file? No

    When you are going through the process to authorize/link the account, are any other accounts being seen in the Add/Link window? Yes. Quicken either has the “Don’t add to Quicken” or the “Link to existing account” options. If “Link to existing account” is available, I link the accounts to their corresponding accounts in Quicken.


  • WayneW
    WayneW Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Answer ✓


    This morning, I deactivated online services for my wife's accounts and then reactivated them. All the accounts were linked to and it didn't unlink my credit card account. Problem solved!


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for the follow up,

    I'm glad to hear you were able to get everything connected and working.

    If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • WayneW
    WayneW Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Thank you!

  • Gaurav
    Gaurav Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am facing the same problem. Quicken will either update my chase accounts or my wife's. Reset/Deactivate of one side of accounts makes the download of others not working. At the end of reset of my wife's I also get the alert that that says my accounts were not found and should be removed from quicken.. but I am not even trying to connect to my account with her login.

    Sometimes even when most of my chase accounts are connected and downloading, one of the chase account (lets see CC) would not download the most recent transaction, it just skips over them.

    This is a big mess trying to check every chase account, deactivating/activating the connections and matching it transactions.

  • Planoslp
    Planoslp Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am experiencing the exact problem. Husband and wife have individual sign in credentials linked to their credit card accounts. I have reset the accounts multiple times and the other person's accounts are deactivated from automatic update. This has been going on for several months. It is certainly time consuming and isn't much better than manually downloading each account into a spreadsheet.

  • WayneW
    WayneW Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    What I had to do was instead of resetting the accounts, I completely deactivated online services for all affected accounts and then re-setup online services for those accounts. After that I had no more problems.

  • Planoslp
    Planoslp Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Did you deactivate both husband's and wife's accounts before re-setting them up?

  • WayneW
    WayneW Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Yes I did

  • Gaurav
    Gaurav Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have done this several time where I would deactivate online services. But I have so many accounts with chase between mine, wife, kids UTMA, brokerages, CC, premium deposits, its a nightmare to go through ALL of them and relink them!

    I shouldn't have to do these workarounds. I didn't changed anything in my setup when the problem started, quicken team should acknowledge what broke and provide a systematic solution.

  • Gaurav
    Gaurav Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Spent couple of hours yesterday and another hour today where I deactivated all accounts and first tried connecting mine & then my wife's. And then 2nd time deactivated all and first tried connecting my wife's and then mine. Each time in the end quicken would complain about other accounts that dont even belong to the account I am using to connect (I cant see them, they are my wife's or my wife cannot see them, they are mine). Quicken would say - 'XYZ account not found and should be deleted from Quicken" .

    After all these tries, none of the chase accounts are downloading any transaction. Is there anyone from the quicken team that knows what is going on or would like to solve this problem??

  • dfeuerst
    dfeuerst Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Same problem and scenario here (different credit card accounts). It started when a replacement card was sent to one of us due to an old card being compromised.

    Quicken should not assume that Credit Card accounts on Chase will always be under a single management account.

  • Gaurav
    Gaurav Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I deactivated all the accounts again and this time added new accounts as 'Chase Investment - New'. I then added all my accounts with my chase login and my wife's accounts (as Chase Investment - New') with her chase login. It has been a few days and updates/downloads are working fine.

    Its a shame that when adding chase accounts, quicken lists several 'types' of chase connections (Chase, Chase Investments, JP Morgan Chase ..etc) and assumes us to know which one to use or will work perfectly. I had to play with all these different connections in a new quicken file to figure out which will work.

  • lpbonomi
    lpbonomi Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have the same problem with two different logins for different credit card accounts. I have deactivated and reactivated as instructed for the accounts. Every time I activate one account, the other account toggles off. It shouldn't be so difficult. Please fix this!

  • lpbonomi
    lpbonomi Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Still not working after completely disabling every Chase account first and then reactivating one by one. As others have noted, as soon as I try to reactivate the accounts with the second login, it disables the accounts with the first login.

  • Didi Sugandi
    Didi Sugandi Member ✭✭

    I'm have the same problem. I used to have two Chase updates on my One Step Update. One for accounts which show up on my login with Chase which showed the last four digits of each account in parenthesis behind the Chase login and a 2nd Chase update with the accounts on my wife's login which showed up in parenthesis behind her Chase login. A few weeks ago I began getting error messages that one or more of my Chase accounts had been deleted. When I deactivated and then reactivated the accounts, it appeared to reset everything correctly. But then with the next update I got the 'some of your accounts appear to have been deleted' error message again. Now I can only get one Chase entry on my one step update screen with no accounts showing in parenthesis. If I try to add the accounts from one login, I get a message "It appears that one or more accounts at Chase have been deleted" referring to the accounts from the other Chase login. I also get a a little red circle with a line through it beside the accounts which were not found because they only appear through the other login credentials.

  • sararose
    sararose Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I am getting the same issue with Chase, and it started a few days ago. My husband and I both have Chase logins due to separate credit cards; our individual logins both include our joint checking and savings accounts. When I do an update, it gives the error for my United visa. When I reactivate that card, it gives the error for my husband's Sapphire card. Error is CC-800. I've reset and deactivated/reactivated the accounts multiple times, and each time I reset my husband's card, my card errors out. So I reset that, and my husband's card errors out. It's a mad circle and I would really appreciate a solution.

  • Didi Sugandi
    Didi Sugandi Member ✭✭

    I'm curious if anyone from Quicken support monitors this chat discussion. I see many people facing the same issue with connecting their Chase accounts to Quicken. But no response from anyone who is able to do anything about the problem. I'm guessing that it is a tiny fraction of those facing this problem who find their way to this community forum and leave a comment.

  • AllanM
    AllanM Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    I just spent 2 hours with Quicken Support yesterday and more time today with Tier 2 support, and here's what they confirmed. If after trying all the troubleshooting options the CC-800 is still there, the problem is unfixable and is in your data file. The solution they offered is to do a full export (QXF), create a new Quicken data file, and import. You will have to reset all settings and customizations. A royal PITA for those of use with heavily customized settings.

    I vaguely remember other somewhat painful solutions in the community which I will attempt to find and try to resolve the CC-800 I have, but I'm not optimistic for a fix. The new datafile export/import solution is likely the least worst answer. I'll create a VM so I have two data files open at one, the old in the VM and the new on my physical computer, then I can do side by side settings changes for each register.

    This is the thread with more sophisticated resolution options

  • Didi Sugandi
    Didi Sugandi Member ✭✭

    Exporting the QXF file and then importing it into a new file worked. However, Quicken imported all my foreign currency accounts as US dollar accounts. It did not convert the amounts into US dollars based upon the exchange rates registered in Quicken. Quicken just treated every transaction as though it was a US dollar transaction and not a transaction in another currency. This created a bigger problem than I was facing with the Chase accounts. I found another solution. I deactivated all my Chase accounts and then brought them back into my original Quicken file as new accounts from both my Chase login and my wife's Chase login. I did not link them to the existing accounts. I moved older transactions that did not import from the bank from the old accounts into the new registered Chase accounts and then deleted the old Chase accounts from Quicken. This was a bit of PITA. But it seems to have worked.

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