Why does custom category no longer display in Budget

Created a category "Life" with multiple subcategories which I have been using for years. Created 2024 budget back in January in which those subcategories all appeared. But went back to update budget today and the Parent Category of "Life" and all Subcategories are missing. Going through different options can not get "Life" category to reappear. Any suggestions or menu setting items that might have been switched during an update?
Best Answers
I assume you are referring to "custom category group" and not to "custom category". I don't think the Budget tool ever had the option for setting up a custom category. If you want to set up a custom category, go to Tools > Category List > New Category.
If you was to set up a "custom category group" for your budget, click on the Options tab (shown in the picture you posted) > Assign category groups > Add/Rename Custom Groups > New.
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Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Within your "Life" Category Group, are there any Income categories mixed in with Expense categories?
Budget doesn't appear to like mixed category groups. All expense or all Income only within a group.If you haven't done so already, I'd try the oft discussed process of Validating and Supervalidating your data file.
I assume you are referring to "custom category group" and not to "custom category". I don't think the Budget tool ever had the option for setting up a custom category. If you want to set up a custom category, go to Tools > Category List > New Category.
If you was to set up a "custom category group" for your budget, click on the Options tab (shown in the picture you posted) > Assign category groups > Add/Rename Custom Groups > New.
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Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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It's easy to see that what you've selected to show in the budget isn't being shown. Updates have been known to break things and maybe that's the culprit here. I'd probably try deselecting everything in the Category Group "Life" as well as that Group itself, close Quicken, reopen Quicken (maybe with a reboot of the computer in between) then selecting those items again to see if they come back.
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@Boatnmaniac Yes, referring to Category Group. Thanks for clarifying. I see the hierarchal order now. Trying to figure why Category Group that was included in budget is no longer displayed/included. But you bring up a possible solution of creating new Category Group and reassigning categories in "Life" Group to new Group to see if new group would be picked up in budget. Thanks for info and possible workaround.
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@Tom Young I'll try that. I'm leaning to recent update myself. Wouldn't be the first time. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Within your "Life" Category Group, are there any Income categories mixed in with Expense categories?
Budget doesn't appear to like mixed category groups. All expense or all Income only within a group.If you haven't done so already, I'd try the oft discussed process of Validating and Supervalidating your data file.
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Appreciate all the input and ideas. Super Validating the data file brought back the "Life" Category Group items. But @Boatnmaniac suggestions about editing Category items into a new/different groups worked too. I tried that on a few items as before I validated the file. In doing so realized I could update some of my categories. So with your help I was able to fix the main issue but learned a few things in the process. Thanks!