Old 401k (Fidelity) suddenly has a balance

My old 401k that was closed in April 2020 just started showing a balance and shares again. I transfered the balance out of the account back in 2020 and marked it as closed. Now I have these random shares of various funds that show up. The balance of the account I transferred the funds into is correct. How do I get rid of these phantom shares and why did they suddenly appear from thin air? I tried using "remove shares" transactions to remove each security, but that had no effect on anything.
Hello @gch289,
To help troubleshoot this issue, please provide additional information. Is the account still marked as closed? You should be able to see this on the account bar (if you're using default settings, it would be on the left side of the screen), since closed accounts will have the word "Closed" where the balance would usually display. Closed accounts are typically hidden, so you may have to expand the Hidden Accounts section to see it.
If the account is no longer showing as closed, does Quicken think it's connected to a financial institution? You can check whether an account is connected or not by going to Accounts>Hide and Show Accounts, then look in the Financial Institution column. If a financial institution name is listed there, then Quicken thinks the account is connected.
If the account is still showing as closed, are you able to see any new transactions that correspond to the phantom shares that appeared?
I look forward to your response!
Quicken Kristina
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Quicken Kristina
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