How can I easily enter 55 transactions that were missed by Quicken when it used Web Connect?
In Jan 2024, I started noticing that my Online and Quicken register balances didn't match even after multiple online "updates" from the Discover Credit Card site. Finally, this April, I took the time to carefully compare the transaction list downloaded from Discover Card as a .csv file with the Quicken register and determined that 55 different transactions between 12/3/2023 and 1/27/2024 have not been "captured" by Quicken even though all the transactions before, after, and even some in the middle of that time frame have come through properly. Discover doesn't provide .qfx file downloads anymore and I don't know if Quicken would properly import these 55 transactions, anyway. In any case, I have a text document with a list of 55 transactions with dates, amounts, descriptions and even categories that I don't want to enter manually, one by one. I don't want to get into a fight between Discover and Quicken about paying licensing fees for QFX files. I simply want a way to feed in all my transactions that won't drive me crazy. It seems that Quicken did not capture the transactions correctly in the first place. It would be nice if Quicken could "make this right" to a long-time subscriber/supporter. Even further, I imagine this may happen again in the future and it would be good to have a way to fix it.
Sorry, I don't know how I got into the MAC forum. I am using Windows. The program version is R56.9, build on Windows 10. I will see if I can also post this over in Quicken's Windows side of things.
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Look into ImportQIF by QuicknPerlWiz to convert the .CSV file into a .QIF for import into Quicken for Windows. It is free and easy to setup as it is well documented on its website.
I personally use it with my Discover Card and several other CCs.
NOTE: When subscription Quicken (2018+) imports a .QIF file, they are immediately entered into the register (no pre-acceptance review possible) and the balance shown in the Account Bar is not updated, there are several actions you can take to cause it to update, but the one I do know works every time is making a backup. The balance in the register will be correct regardless.
-splasher using Q continuously since 1996
- Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
-Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list0 -
[Removed - Duplicate]
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If not .QFX downloads, what type of "manually initiated from the website" download is provided?
And, did you not download for that period? Because the FI is responsible for the content of "Web Connect" downloads.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
To answer NotACPC, I have performed regular One-Step Updates on all my Accounts but the 55 transactions never came through (even when performing a One-Step update on just the Discover account). The missing transactions did not appear during updates in December or January or any time afterwards, even though other transactions (some from Discover and all of them from other credit cards) came through properly. The type of downloads that can be requested manually are, PDF, Excel and CSV (QFX stopped being an option a couple of years ago.)
Thanks for the tip, splasher. I'll have to investigate ImportQIF by QuicknPerlWiz, but I haven't downloaded or tried it, yet.
Further Google investigations on my part came across suggestions from some people that a fairly simple format of the data in a .csv file might also be able to be imported for my Discover credit card account. The required .csv format would be a "MINT-compatible" version (I guess with a specific header line and formatting of dates and dollar amounts). I haven't found a documented version of the exact format required so I haven't been able to try it and so I don't know if that actually would work or not.
Has anybody tried manually creating a "MINT-compatible" .csv file and have you successfully imported the data into Quicken as "add-on data" for a preexisting account? If so, could you post a short sample data file so everyone could see what it looks like?
Splasher, have you heard about the MINT-compatible option and/or tried it? It seems like it might involve less work than downloading a separate program to process my data (since I already have Excel on my machine)?
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Splasher, have you heard about the MINT-compatible option and/or tried it? It seems like it might involve less work than downloading a separate program to process my data (since I already have Excel on my machine)?
Never worked with Mint, so I am unfamiliar with anything with importing a "Mint compatible" CSV file features.
-splasher using Q continuously since 1996
- Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
-Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list0 -
This is the Mint csv import format description from Quicken -
I have not tried it myself, but it looks pretty straightforward.