Getting Very Tired of Transactions Changing on a Whim

renfrochris Quicken Windows Subscription Member

I would love to say this is a rare occurrence but I'm about at my limit putting up with transactions (most of which have already been reconciled) changing over time. This usually happens following an update which means if I want to prevent it from happening I either need to review years worth of transactions across a multitude of accounts to catch the changes (something I think everyone would agree is not feasible) or not update Quicken (equally ludicrous).

The latest issue has been with my pay check transactions. For whatever unknown, unintelligent reason the majority of my paycheck transactions (not all) between May 2017 and December 2022 where changed from having a split of:

to be a much more simplified version:

To get it back to the way I need it usually results in me having to pull out years of receipts/pay stubs, etc. and re-enter all of the transactions manually. Also, in this instance there doesn't appear to be a way to tell Quicken to revert to the more detailed format of paycheck which means I usually need to duplicate an existing paycheck, change the pasted date, change all the values to fit the paycheck, and save. It's very time consuming and frustrating.

Some of you refer me to simply restore from backup but the problem there relates to my first point and that is unless I catch the issue immediately when it happens months can go by before I realize there is an issue and I end up having to either re-enter past transactions or restore and re-enter current transactions.

Lastly for those recommending I repair my file I've done it consistently and repeatidley without any success.

I need some serous direction with this. I'm getting tired of fixing these issues and am at the end of my rope with Quicken. Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening? Is there something I can do to easily fix it when it does? In this specific instance if I need to reenter my transactions is there an easy way to convert the simplified split format to the more complicated one?


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @renfrochris,

    To clarify, when you say this happens after an update, do you mean after the Quicken program updates, or after running One Step Update? If you mean after the program updates, do you do the automatic updates through the Quicken program, or do you manually install the update patch?

    Unfortunately, there is no tool in Quicken to convert Paycheck reminders back to Paycheck reminders if they somehow get changed to regular Income reminders. As you already mentioned, if you catch it fast enough (usually with in 90 days or sooner), then restoring a backup is the simplest option.

    Is it only the Paycheck reminders that are changing, or are you also having issues with other transactions changing? Is this happening in only one account in your Quicken file, or are multiple accounts affected? Do you recall roughly when this issue first started? Do you keep your Quicken file directly on your local hard drive, or is it on a shared or network drive? Do you have your Quicken file synced with any cloud services, such as iCloud, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.?

    I look forward to your response!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • renfrochris
    renfrochris Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Thanks for your response, Kristina.

    I was referring to the Quicken program updates and I do those when I'm prompted that an update exists shorting after launching the application.

    With regards to your other questions

    • This was the first time this happened with my paycheck transactions. It usually happens with one or two transactions within an account from months or even years prior that will simply disappear. I usually don't find out about it until I reconcile the account and find that the starting balance for the reconciliation doesn't match. Comparing the ending balances against the past statements I've dug out usually pinpoints the month and then going through each transaction one by one reveals the missing transaction that I need to re-enter.
    • It's not always the same account. Sometimes it's my checking account, sometimes it's a savings account or even an investment account.
    • It doesn't happen after every update. It happens on average once every nine months or so. This has been happening for years.
    • My Quicken file is on my local hard drive. My Quicken file resides under a folder that is not synced via either my iCloud or OneDrive.

    I hope this helps,


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    Based on the additional information you provided, it sounds like this issue is intermittent and infrequent, which makes it rather tricky to troubleshoot. Do you use a VPN or antivirus that may interfere when Quicken is running a program update? If so, I recommend that you pause those while Quicken is updating. Additionally, I recommend downloading/installing update patches manually, since this can reduce the chance of file issues from an update. For instructions on installing an update manually, please click here.

    If the issue persists, please let me know!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • renfrochris
    renfrochris Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I believe I may have figured out what is happening and it's not related to the updates like I originally thought. I was able to witness it happen when I matched the downloaded deposit from my bank account to the income reminder paycheck that was automatically entered. Before doing the match the reminder transaction was fine and showed my standard paycheck reminder transaction. The downloaded transaction from my bank simply showed the deposit amount. Following the merge the paycheck reminder converted to the simplified version I documented in my original post.

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