NVDA stock split just trashed Investing/Portfolio report - Shares & Price (edit)



  • Quicken Janean
    Quicken Janean Moderator admin

    Hi All, I heard back regarding this. It seems a broker recorded the Nvidia stock split as an 'Added' transaction, which isn't entirely accurate. Although we have existing cleanup code to handle such issues, it doesn't currently address situations where the stock split (StkSplit) is downloaded from the quote feed after the 'Added' transaction appears. As a workaround, you can delete the 'Added' transaction. We will look into extending our cleanup code to cover this scenario and are working on a resolution. Thank you for sharing your feedback and testing.

    Quicken Janean

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  • SeaStar
    SeaStar Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks to you and programmers for quick response with action plan. Similar to above reports about NVIDIA, CNQ (CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES) also downloaded both a StkSplit and a Shares Added transaction from Fidelity this week. Like NVIDIA, these duplicate CNQ entries caused Quicken share qty to increase and no longer equal actual CNQ shares reported by Fidelity. I manually fixed when I deleted the downloaded Shares Added transaction and kept the downloaded StkSplit. I prefer to not manually examine and manage these issues so it's good to know a programming fix is queued. Thanks.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I’ll go out on a limb and state a Shares Added is never correct for a Stock Split event. That is an error on the FI’s part. But situations do develop where an apparent Stock Split might be better handled with something different than a StkSplt transaction.

    I don’t believe the programmers and Quicken should make that type of correction. There may be situations where an Add does occur around the time of a split. At best, tell the user the possibility of an error has been identified and let the user decide.

  • NickDiG99
    NickDiG99 Member ✭✭

    I tried to address this somewhere else, but no one has responded. I too deleted the Shares Added transaction from FI, however my gain/loss for 1 month/3 months/12 months are all way off.

    The normal calculation for a gain/loss is (current price/old price) - 1. For a 10:1 split, it should be (current price/(old price/10)) - 1. However what appears to be happening is (current price/(old price/100)) - 1. Or basically Quicken is multiplying the stock split amount by 10, assuming it's a 100 to 1 split in this case.

    The current price is 127.24, and the one month ago price is 953.86. I'm showing a one month gain of 1233.95% which fits the formula exactly.

    If I change the 10 for 1 split to 2 for 1, Quicken takes the 953.85 and divides it by 20 (10x the correct split amount) and I get a gain of 166.789%, assuming it's a 20:1 split instead of 2:1.

    When will this bug be fixed? I almost wonder if in this case it would have been better to add the shares and remove the stock split.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @NickDiG99 I suspect you have a second split record hidden (not visible) in your price history records. These can be tricky to identify and correct.

    I would:

    • Go to the Security Detail view and look at the price history data. The data should show only one change by the factor of 10, from the 1,200 range down to the 120 range. That should but may not correspond to the date of the StkSplit transaction you have in your transaction list. I would choose to edit the closing prices to bring them into agreement with the StkSplit transaction, but you could go the other way.
    • Now looking at the price history graph, as you toggle the check box for adjust for splits, does the graph adjust correctly? One sharp drop without adjustment, no major changes with the adjustment.
    • If you are seeing two adjustments on the graph, both in the same direction, perhaps one about the 3rd and one about the 10th, you may be able to change your StkSplit transaction date to match the other one, and then change it back. That may eliminate the hidden split. I've had to and been successful with that type of step before.

    Hope this helps

  • AWinTx
    AWinTx Member ✭✭✭

    @q_lurker - I opened up a new thread hoping that there are other long-term NVDA stock holders (since 2013) that may be experiencing the same issue, likely due to the 4:1 split in 2017. If I run the growth of 10k report after the split, it looks ok.

    I adjusted prices so there are no spikes in price. This is the view that shows transactions and adjusts for splits. I don't see any adjustments on the graph. It is hard to find a comparable graph online that might show daily dips over a 10+ year holding.

    There were some sales that I wish I didn't make during this period 😣but I would think it would account for that.

    Thanks for responding.

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