BofA...EWC+; Cleared Transactions still having Issues.....

denmarfl Member ✭✭✭✭
ONGOING 11/28/23 Bank of America - Missing Transactions (EWC+)

This was a topic in the Forum Dated November 2023…and looking at it today…it has never been Updated since November 2023…

I am bringing this up because today June 11, 2024…when I connected with BofA…ALL transactions did not download. Seven (7) months and this issue continues???? I followed the exact steps as Outlined in this original Post and all cleared Transaction DID Download. In my situation this entire process is very time consuming given the number of accts I have with BofA and having to Deactivate all accts as the 1st step.

Given its been 7 months since the LAST Update on this Matter…anyone know if Quicken is even still working on this issue????


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @denmarfl,

    "Given its been 7 months since the LAST Update on this Matter…anyone know if Quicken is even still working on this issue???"

    Yes, this issue is still considered ongoing and our teams continue to work on a resolution, though Quicken's Product Development and Escalation teams do not provide an estimate of when a resolution will be completed and released. All available updates and information will be posted within the Alert. As stated in the last update of the Alert, "this Alert will be updated once more information, updates, etc become available".

    As of now, there is no new information or updates available beyond what has already been posted in the Alert.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
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  • denmarfl
    denmarfl Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your reply…what is more frustrating is that when you Must DeActivate and ReActivate the Accts in EWC+ ….SOME accts Register Balances are chnaged. I have 6 accts with BofA and of the 6. Following Re-Activation under EWC+…., Balances in 2 accts were chnaged. Under DirectConnect there were times I had to DeActivate\ReActivate…but I do not recall the ReActivation altering Register balances. EWC+ is now 18 mos since released…and I'd take DirectConnect back in a Flash. Its said that newer means better, Not so in all situations. I see CiTi converted from DD to EWC+ just this week. I still see Wells Fargo and Truist still using DirectConnect. I would think hard about moving my banking to either one of these 2 banks still using DD…but concerns if I do so…just my luck they will Make the change to EWC+

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