CC-555 Error: NelNet Student Loan

Good morning,

Can you please help me get Nelnet to sync with my quicken workbooks? It used to work but for some reason I am getting an error with CC-555 saying that there "was a connection problem". Nelnet services my student loans and they are vital to my personal accounting.

This is a critical failure of your software. I will unsubscribe from your service if this issue is not corrected.


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @ijijh8thqn,

    This error message is caused by the financial institution blocking access to their servers, which prevents Quicken from retrieving data to download to your file. In some cases, this block may be permanent. 

    Please refer to this support article for more info.

    As stated in the article, if there are no Community Alerts posted about this error - which there currently are none - then you will need to contact Quicken Support directly for further assistance and possible escalation if they see fit.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
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  • ijijh8thqn
    ijijh8thqn Member
    edited June 14

    [Removed - Rant]

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