Mobile Synch w Quicken Classic Windows & Wells Fargo will NOT work!

William Prendergast
William Prendergast Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I have NO problem downloading transactions from my 2 Wells Fargo Checking accts, my WFB Savings acct. or my WFB VISA card. No problems connecting with Wells Fargo at all with the Quicken Classic for Windows running on my laptop. HOWEVER, I have NEVER been able to get those 4 Wells Fargo accounts to synch with Quicken Classic Mobile. I cannot even add them to the list of accounts to synch because I get an error message. This is using my SAME WFB log-in stored in the vault and used every day by me thru Quicken and via the Wells Fargo Mobile App. The Synch list just tells me it cannot connect to Wells Fargo. This has been going on for a long time. Since these are my MAJOR financial accounts, the Mobile App is pretty much worthless to me and I've ignored it. But now I have a reason to find the Mobile Quicken very useful and I'd very much like it to be able to present my full financial picture and not just my car loan, mortgage and 2 other bank credit cards!! Here is what I see when I try to add my WFB accounts!!☹️


  • CaseyK
    CaseyK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm having the same issues with my Wells Fargo cards. Will Quicken provide an answer?

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @William Prendergast & @CaseyK,

    To troubleshoot this issue, I recommend that you backup your Quicken file, then follow these troubleshooting steps from this article on troubleshooting online banking issues with mobile and web:

    First, if you haven't already done so, in your desktop program, go to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web, and click the blue link next to the word "Accounts" to bring up the Accounts for Mobile & Web window. Try unselecting the problem accounts, then click the "Update Accounts" button. Once the update completes, close the Accounts for Mobile & Web window if it doesn't automatically close. Then, re-open that window and re-select the problem accounts. Once they are all selected, click the "Update Accounts" button.

    If the steps above do not resolve the issue

    Deactivate the affected accounts in the desktop program:

    1. Select the Tools menu and select Account List
    2. In the Account List, select the account for which you want to deactivate online services, and then click Edit
    3. In the Account Details window, click the Online Services tab.
    4. Click Deactivate next to the service you want to disable.
    5. Click Yes to the message asking if you want to disable this service. Note: If you do not receive this message, additional information is available below
      • Direct Connect users: If you are deactivating a Direct Connect account, you may see an additional prompt advising you to contact your bank to cancel the Direct Connect service. This is only recommended if you intend to deactivate an account permanently and need to contact the bank to stop any related fees.
    6. Click OK to the confirmation message.  
    7. (optional) If you do not intend to reactivate, contact your financial institution to cancel any fees they may charge for access to Quicken online services. Deactivating the account in Quicken will not normally stop the service fee.

    If you have an investment account that is linked to a cash account, you need to deactivate the online services from the investment account which will automatically deactivate the linked cash account.

    Then, reactivate the accounts

    To Reactivate the account(s):

    1. Open the Account List (Ctrl + A).
    2. Click the Edit button on the account you want to reactivate.
    3. Go to the Online Services tab and click the Set up Now button.
    4. Type in the financial institution name and walk through the wizard.
    5. Choose LINK on the screen displayed after Quicken finds the available accounts at the financial institution for your login credentials and carefully link to your existing Quicken account(s).

    I hope this helps!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • CaseyK
    CaseyK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks Kristina. I tried the steps you mentioned and get to the mobile sync step and get this error: CC-501 "A connection to your financial institution could not be established. Please try again later. To continue without the financial institution for now, deselect the account(s) and try again. You can fix the issue and then add the account(s) again later."

  • William Prendergast
    William Prendergast Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same result more or less as CaseyK. Those steps did not change anything. I have NO TROUBLE connecting to Wells Fargo for downloading transactions from any of my 4 accounts. It is ONLY in the step where I try to ADD the 4 Wells Fargo accounts in "Accounts for Mobile & Web." that I get the CC-501 message and the statement about being unable to contact my institution. It looks exactly the same as the screenshot I pasted in the Original Post:

    Seems very strange because all the other accounts I have selected sync just fine with my Mobile App. And ALL accounts download transactions just fine to my main Quicken program. I have noticed sometimes that Wells Fargo doesn't like to connect more than once/24 hrs.. Could it be that they don't want to connect with this Mobile sync because I've already downloaded transactions to my main Quicken program (which I indeed have every time I've tried this adding of the Wells Fargo accounts to Mobile Sync. For some reason Mobile Quicken has always been troublesome for me and, frankly, that's why I don't really use or depend on it! At present it would be nice if I had a portable App that could just mirror what I have in my main Quicken program!! That's all I need!

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your replies,

    Since the troubleshooting above did not resolve the issue, I recommend that you contact Quicken Support directly for further assistance as they can walk you through troubleshooting steps in real-time and escalate the situation as needed.  The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.

    I apologize that I could not be of more assistance!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • riekert
    riekert Member ✭✭

    I have same issue. Just started to use the Mobile App. All accounts working except Wells Fargo. When adding accounts to be used, only Wells Fargo wants you to add a password (if that's what all the ****** are implying). I've gone through all the steps to correct to no avail.

  • riekert
    riekert Member ✭✭

    I think I've gotten it to work.

    Deactivate Online for all the Wells Fargo Accounts.

    Go to the Mobile Account tab for Add or delete accounts. Look at the Wells Fargo Accounts. They should no longer be showing ****** for a password. Click on them to add them and run to syn the Mobile App. This my take awhile as, I'm I'm guessing, the data for Wells Fargo (on my laptop) is now going to the cloud. When done, go to the mobile app and see if the data is there. It was in my case.

    Now go back to the Wells Fargo Accounts and activate the Online set up with your password. Check a download out on the laptop, all should be connected.

    Now when you go to the Mobile Account tab for Add or delete accounts, the Wells Fargo will still be checked but it isn't showing the ***** for a password.

    Run the sync to see if you no longer get the error message. That worked for me!

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for the follow-up,

    I'm glad to hear you were able to get it to work. Thank you for coming back to share the solution that worked for you!

    If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • CaseyK
    CaseyK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks for your suggestion @riekert ! I followed your instructions and it's working for me now too.

  • J Quade
    J Quade Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have the same issues as @Riekert and will try those steps. My challenge has been the mobile app shows the balances and transactions but I get a connectivity error and When I try to fix it doesn’t work .

  • bthanos
    bthanos Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Exact same issue. Did the steps to deactivate, then added account mobile sync which worked. After reactivating download I got the original error message "CC-501" as it tried to update accounts, which I ignored.

    Mobile sync did retain the WF account however and the app shows no more connectivity error message for WF. However I got a connectivity error on a different account, and entering credentials form the mobile app worked.

    Direct connect is used for Wells Fargo.

    Thanks you for this solution It was another annoyance which seems fixed for now (till the next one).

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