Quicken highlighting every item in the memorized payee list

Moondoggy_1 Member ✭✭✭

I'm running Version 57.16, Build of Quicken Premier. Several times while running Quicken I've noticed when I move into the payee field the entire payee list is highlighted in blue as opposed to black text on white background. If I start typing a payee name the list does show that payee but if that payee exists multiple times in the list with a different category each payee entry is still highlighted in blue that make it difficult to select the payee/category you wish to use. When that happened to me today, I exited from Quicken and relaunched it and the payee list was no longer highlighted. Is this a known bug or do I have something messed up with my version of Quicken or with my data files? [Edited - Language] If it's a bug is there a fix or a workaround other than restarting Quicken? Please let me know. Thanks.

P.S. Just to be 100% clear, I have two different Quicken files I track expenses. I was in one Quicken file and it exhibited normal behavior but then I switched to (opened) the second Quicken file the payee list in that file was highlighted. It was the second Quicken file in use when I closed Quicken and restarted it and on the relaunch the behavior was normal.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Moondoggy_1,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more information. When did you first notice this behavior? About how often does the issue happen? Is there anything that seems to trigger this behavior (For example, you mentioned that it happened immediately after switching between two Quicken files; does this happen only after you've switched between files)? Is this happening in only one of your Quicken files, or have you seen it happen in both? Do you keep your Quicken files directly on your local hard drive?

    I look forward to your response!

    Quicken Kristina

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  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Moondoggy_1,

    I haven't seen a response from you. Do you still require assistance?

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

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