Issues with Growth of $10K Dashboard Report - Display error after 3 year look back

Whojammers Member ✭✭
edited August 4 in Reports (Windows)

I have a strange error occurring. For 2 plus years, the $10K comparison widget runs correctly, showing my assets growing compared to indexes. Then, after a set date ~ 3years out, the widget starts reporting an incorrect drop in my assets compared to averages.

Running Validate and Repair (standard and advanced - including rebuilding investing lots) doesnt have an impact

Better to show in pictures.

A 2 year look back accurate for My Accounts. 7/1/22 - 6/30/24

Now a nearly 3 year look back that is also accurate 7/1/21 - 6/9/24

If I run the same but to one day later, the error starts. Continues for all looks further out

Cant track to anything on 6/10 that occurred. Note: last week it was 6/3 (not 6/10) that was the date where the error started to occur.

I'm stumped. All yearly reporting fine. Historical fine IF I dont include anything after 6/10/24.

I welcome ideas.


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 30

    Do you hold NVDA? If so, check your price history for NVDA to make sure the price changes on the same date as the recent split.

    Another user posted an issue like this related to the recent split.

    See this discussion

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Whojammers
    Whojammers Member ✭✭

    Thanks Jim. Followed the thread and its definitely NVIDIA causing the issue. Confirmed by running the 10K report with only NVIDIA and saw the drop there. Excluded NVIDIA and didnt occur. Have the split listed as 10:1 in the right date (6/10) for 2 accounts and the previous in July 21.

    For some reason, the 10K doesn't like for a run over three years after 6/10/24. WIll play with NVIDIA to see if I can find what is causing

    Thanks again. At least now I know a reason

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 30

    Go to the Security Detail view for NVDA, click on More, then edit the price history. Check that the price changes by a factor of 10 on the same day as the split is recorded. Correct the prices if necessary.

    The Growth of 10K chart sets its intervals automatically based on the date range you have selected. You can see the dates it has selected by hovering over the dots on the chart. If it picks a date for its snapshot when the price is wrong, you will see a corresponding incorrect jump. I don't know why it makes a difference between 2 years and 3, but there was a 4:1 split on 7/20/21 which might also affect the results. You should also check the prices around that split.

    Please let us know what you find.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Whojammers
    Whojammers Member ✭✭


    Traced the error on NVIDIA down to location (particular account) and date of split. Still very strange

    I own NVIDIA in two investment accounts. Running a 10K against each account, I found one is OK and one is impacted. Both have the same dates dates from stock splits that affect me: 6/10/24 10:1 and 7/20/21 4:1.

    Here are the 10Ks from the problem account with both stock splits

    With this problem account, I eliminated each stock split date and ran the 10K again, seeing impact. Deleting the 6/10/24 split still shown a drop similar to above in June of this year. But if I put 6/10/24 back and then drop the 7/20/21 split, I dont see the drop off again in June 24. See below

    Looks like how quicken deals with the 7/20/21 split is the culprit. But I cant find a way to correct when I put back.


    Ran validate and repair to correct pricing history anomalies but that didnt show any errors and didnt fix

    I re-installed quicken (For troubleshooting a different issue) but that didnt have any impact as well

    Thanks for taking a look

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