First Merchants (IN) OL-295-A Error

Dan Prichard
Dan Prichard Member ✭✭

I am getting an OL-295-A error when trying to update my business account. The error goes on to say "Your Financial institution has rejected your request. Please contact your financial institution for more information."

So I did, and they said they cannot control that and to contact Quicken. This last worked about 20-June-2024


Thank you


  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Moderator mod

    Hello @Dan Prichard,

    An OL-295 error usually appears when your computer cannot establish an internet connection with Quicken. Please note, these errors do not mean the computer has lost internet connection, simply that Quicken cannot establish an internet connection. Also, you may be able to successfully sign in to your bank's website, but still receive the error in Quicken, due to Quicken being unable to establish an internet connection.

    You may follow this link to access a FAQ that provides more information and troubleshooting steps. It is recommended to save a backup before proceeding (just in case).

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Jasmine

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