Multiple bugs with scheduled transactions

In the approximate year, numerous bugs have cropped up for me with scheduled transactions.
Bug #1 - Changing the date while entering a scheduled transaction adds it to the register and then lists it as not having been entered.
I some scheduled transactions that I enter manually due to them being paychecks, since various values (usually taxes) change every pay period by small amounts. At my work, the pay period is the 15th and last day of the month. However, it's really the last business day before the date. So for example, if the 15th was a Sunday, payday would be Friday (the 13th). Adding another wrinkle to this is since I use direct deposit, it actually goes in on Thursday (the 12th). So if I hit the "enter" button to enter the scheduled transaction, and adjust the date along with the taxes, etc, it will enter the transaction into the register, and then also list it as having not occurred. I then have to hit "Skip" to move Quicken on to the next scheduled date. Additionally, if I keep the original date rather than changing it, it will enter into the register for the date (Say the 15th), but if I then change the date after the fact to the 12th, Quicken will put it back into the Bill and Income reminders again, and I once again have to skip it. At this point I've given up on changing the date to match reality since the process is such a pain.
Bug #2 - Since the update between March and April, one scheduled transaction puts in the wrong data. This scheduled transaction is a fixed amount, with 10% going to taxes. The amount being deposited increases every January. This scheduled transaction has worked without issue for a few years. So for example, if the amount was 5000 in 2023, then 10% (500) was going to taxes, with a net deposit of 4500. This was working fine. In January the payment was increased. For example purposes, lets say to 6000, with 10% (600) going to taxes, for a net deposit of 5400. Up through the March deposit of this year, there was no issue with this (other than bug #1 above affecting it as well). Starting with the transaction in April, the scheduled transaction shows the correct amounts (6000, net of 5400). But once I hit to accept the transaction, what actually goes into the register is 5000, net of 4500. If I then correct the amounts back to 6000, net 5400, it then shows back up again in Deposits and other Scheduled transactions. So I guess this is really 2 bugs: a) It enters last year's amount, and b) fixing the amounts to be correct triggers it to be listed again as having not occurred, meaning I have to skip the new one that shows up.
Hello @quanah,
To assist with this issue, I tried following the process you described to see if I could replicate what you are seeing. I couldn't get my Quicken to misbehave that way. Because of that, I suspect this may be a file specific issue. To start troubleshooting this issue, please try validating and/or super validating your data file. Please save a backup file prior to performing these steps.
- File
- Validate and Repair File...
- Validate File
- Click OK
- Close the Data Log
- Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
- Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
If the issue persists, proceed to Super Validate. If the issue is resolved after performing validation, then please disregard the instructions to Super Validate.
Super Validate:
- File
- Hold CTRL + Shift and click Validate and Repair File...
- Super Validate File
- Click OK
- Close the Data Log
- Close Quicken (leave it closed for at least 5 secs)
- Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.
Please let me know how it goes!
Quicken Kristina
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I had to wait a few days for this months transactions to become current. Unfortunately, the problem is not fixed after doing Validate OR super validate.
On the Bug#2, it's really bizarre. If I go to edit scheduled transactions, and pick to edit "this and all future transactions", the amounts shown are correct when I open up the transaction for the Gross, taxes, and Net values. But when I got to enter the transaction into the ledger for that account from the pending transactions list, what it says the deposit will be is correct, but when I click on the split, it shows the old gross, tax, and net values. I would be happy to share screenshots, but not publicly.
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Thank you for your reply,
Since the Validate/Super Validate didn't correct the issue, and restoring a backup from before the issue started may be a sub-optimal solution due to how long this issue has been happening, I suggest that you try creating a copy of your data file. Doing this will rebuild all of the internal lists and database tables. If successful, you would then move forward with the copied file. To create a copy, please navigate to File > Copy or Backup File... > Create a copy or template (see examples below) which will also allow you to select a date range to move forward with.
If you wish to move forward with your entire data file, please check the full date range of your entire data file before copying so you can enter the correct date range if you do not wish to "shrink" your file by eliminating certain dates. Note: The only reason to "shrink" your file is if you believe the problem is being caused by older data in your file.It's important to know that all online services will be disconnected in the copied file, and you will need to sign back in with your Quicken ID and reconnect all of your online accounts, online billers, Quicken Bill Manager services, etc if you plan to use that copied file going forward. The reason for this is that the new copy also creates a new and separate dataset ID.
If the issue is not resolved in the copied file either, then feel free to switch back to your original file.
Thank you!Quicken Kristina
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I deleted the transaction entirely and recreated it, and at least now the amounts are correct. It also fixed the issue when changing the date to be the actual date of the transaction.
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Thank you for the follow-up,
I'm glad to hear you were able to correct the issue. Thank you for coming back to share the solution you found!
If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out!
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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So basically, if we have a bad Scheduled Transaction, we just need to delete it, and recreate it? I have several "bad" scheduled transactions. I will try that. These transactions went bad in the last 6 months, right after I rebuilt my data file, using the procedures outlined above. So, it appears there might be some buried bug that is corrupting files and transactions somewhere.