Discover Card CC-502 Error



  • rcohan2
    rcohan2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Disconnected all my Discover Bank accounts and my Discover Card. Re-setup using Discover Bank accounts. Note: Discover Bank always has recognized my Discover Card account. Probably has a reference to it in the system but can't see the transactions since Discover Bank and Discover Card are two different systems entirely. Went ahead and linked up all my accounts from Discover Bank and as expected, no transactions from Discover Card. Went back into Discover Card account and deactivated it. You will need to go back in and edit the account and delete the financial institution in order to point it back to Discover Card. Tried to set up the Discover Card and got the same ol CC-502 error. I have verified that my online access is good. This is a problem with the interface. Discover no longer supports downloading transactions to a qif file. There is a work around using ImportQIF but it will require a few extra steps. Not a happy camper right now since Discover is my main account for day-to-day stuff.

  • paul28
    paul28 Member ✭✭
    edited August 17

    [Removed - Rant]

  • cbenedict
    cbenedict Quicken Windows 2017 Member

    I'm having same problem with Discover account center as of August 17th. Cannot download from Discover and Quicken cannot access site. This happened several weeks ago but then was rectified. Now I haven't had download since August 6th but I use the cared every day! Please see if you can negotiate a compromise.

  • tyrrell121
    tyrrell121 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Same issue. Started three days ago.

  • deliusfan
    deliusfan Member ✭✭✭

    That's exactly my situation. Was able to "connect" my card which is enough to show online balance, but no transactions downloading to match up with said balance. Hey, but my bank account finally reconnected and downloaded from the BANKING side. I'm wondering if this two-headed-whatever is what's screwing things up; only one side has seemed to work over the last several months. Very annoying.

  • relliott80
    relliott80 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Since 8/10/24 a couple of my transactions showed up in Quicken as pending, but all other transactions are missing. The online balance shown in Quicken is correct only as of 8/12/24.

  • Trish107
    Trish107 Member ✭✭✭

    For days I've been watching this post. I have two Discover Cards and for the past three days one has been receiving the CC-502 error but the other one has been receiving a CC-505 error.

    I have a relative that uses Discover in their Quicken but they haven't had any issues and they update daily. 😲

  • Mike E from BD
    Mike E from BD Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This is my first post here. I've been on vacation from mid-July through mid-August. When I returned, I went into Quicken to update my balances and download transaction data. All accounts downloaded successfully except my Discover Card. I can't continue to use Quicken if this download interface can't be made to work.

  • jbender
    jbender Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Negative for me as well. I have a single Discover Card. Deactivated it in Quicken but could not reactivate it. CC-502 error. My last good download occurred on Aug 11, Aug 12 download failed.

  • eghanson
    eghanson Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    It looks like the option on Discover Credit Card under Security does not have Quicken as an option to let Quicken access the account. For me, it has Apple Pay which has access to my Discover Credit Card Account. Either Intuit or Discover has to add support for Quicken in the Security section of Discover Credit Card accounts or Quicken will no longer work with Discover Credit Card. It works with Discover Bank Savings, but I have to enter a passcode sent to my iPhone each time there is a download which should also not be necessary of access to that account was granted. L just had to add this to my wife's Citi Credit Card permission to get access from Quicken for the download.

  • Joel S.
    Joel S. Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 18

    reset account deactivates it then adds it… just tried it, now shows deactivated.. oops..


    are discover card, and discover card account center the same ?? i know discover bank is different, no transactions, but updated balance… been down that road before..

    account center gave 502 as well

  • RalphC
    RalphC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I connect to

    and I am not experiencing any connection or transaction download issues.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I get the same results using Discover Card or Discover Card Account Center as my FI. Online Balance but no transactions using Discover Bank as FI.

  • Karl Hanson
    Karl Hanson Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    It looks like this thread has been "answered" on the main page. Still having issues here. Is Quicken working on this?

  • Mike E from BD
    Mike E from BD Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I created a ticket this morning and was informed that the issue is known to Quicken and this thread is set up to allow users to receive updates on the issue:

  • eghanson
    eghanson Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Here is Discover's "Discover Data Sharing Agreement" that requires the third party (Quicken) to be responsible for the data that is downloaded to the Quicken app.

  • vnolin11
    vnolin11 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Discover Card successfully updated at 12:20am EST!!

  • Elite$
    Elite$ Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Like many others, I was affected by CC-502 being unable to 'Reset Account' successfully. For the past 10 days, my Discover Card account was not included in the One Step Updates. At about 1:05am CST this morning, I was able to click on 'Set up Now…' under Online Services of my Discover card account in Quicken and link it back to my existing Discover card account by sucessfully activating One Step Setup for the 'Financial Institution: Discover Card'. No more CC-502. My missing transactions have been successfully updated. Best of luck to the rest of you!

  • deliusfan
    deliusfan Member ✭✭✭

    Hooray! Inspired by other's comments I decided to reconnect this morning (I had it connected via Discover Bank, before, so I had to use the method of add new account, then picked Discover Card Center, then let Quicken "discover" the existing account and made sure it was following through to the correct one by clicking all the arrows) but it finally downloaded all my missing transactions since this outage started. Good luck, I hope it works for you all, too!

  • hobiemountaincats
    hobiemountaincats Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    Yay! Working again as of this morning. Just running One Step Update pulled down all the missing transactions since the previous update without any need to reauthorize access or anything. Great job Quicken team! Thank you!

  • Banditz71
    Banditz71 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    It started working again for me this morning……….

  • Mike E from BD
    Mike E from BD Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    It's working again for me now too.😀

  • irasend1
    irasend1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member, Windows Beta Beta

    So if you link your credit card through Discover Bank vs. Discover Card Services, individual transactions will not download, but your total owed on the card will update. This has been the case for at least a year. In order to get your individual card transactions you must link through Discover Card Services. Of course, that is now not working and there is currently no timetable for a fix. GRRRR.

  • Karl Hanson
    Karl Hanson Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Working for me now. Hope it continues…….

  • Banditz71
    Banditz71 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Started working for me, and several others, yesterday morning……….

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 21

    You make a very good point that cannot be emphasized enough: Make sure to set up accounts with the correct Add Account connections. There are multiple connection options for Discover accounts (and for many other financial institutions). The options shown in Add Account are there for very specific reasons. Which one is selected for an account can make all the difference in the world between having a successful download setup/connection and having a poor or non-existent one.

    Moving on: So the Discover Card Add Account option is not working for your Discover card? It seems from the other posts yesterday and this morning that it is working for others. Are you getting an error code or message?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R60.15 on Windows 11 Home

  • vnolin11
    vnolin11 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    When trying to add my "Discover credit card account", I see three choices: "Discover Card", "Discover Card Account Center" and Discover Bank". I do not see 'Discover Card Services". I chose "Discover Card" and successfully downloaded transactions. Which of these are you selecting?

  • irasend1
    irasend1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member, Windows Beta Beta

    Discovercard is what yu need to choose, not Discover Bank. And the CC502 is now apparently resolved as downloading is working well again.

  • rcohan2
    rcohan2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I was able to re-activate my Discover Card and pull transactions 8/16 - 8/22 which is reasonable. This does not agree with the posted update from Quicken.

  • Karl Hanson
    Karl Hanson Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Discover was working for me as of August 21……..but now has stopped. Any solutions coming Quicken?

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