Transactions take long time to update after Quicken Mac Premier 7.8 or 7.9 update

Member ✭✭
edited September 2024 in Registers & Transactions (Mac)

I get the beachball each time I save an update to a transaction (banking or brokerage), or accept a transaction. Also after clicking Finish when reconciling. The update takes about 6-10 seconds. This gets REALLY annoying when you are updating a lot of transactions.

The problem started immediately after the update before 7.9 (MAY have been 7.8). I was hoping 7.9 would address this, but it hasn't.

My datafile is currently 232MB. I have a ton of memory not being used. it's not the computer or the size of the data. It was definitely that update!



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  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    The most likely culprit has nothing to do with the update or your memory: what you describe sounds like there is a report window open behind the main Quicken window. Every time you update a transaction, the background report is refreshed, rusting in the time lag. Try moving your main Quicken window out of the way, or simply pull down the Window menu to see if there is anything below "Sync Errors"; if so it's an open window you should close to see if it resolves your performance issues.

    Any time you quit and relaunch Quicken, all your open windows will remain open, but the main screen will be in the foreground and potentially obscure others you have open. There's an Idea thread (feature request) for the Quicken Mac developers to add some sort of visual indicator or notification about open windows which users can't see and may have been left open inadvertently; please add your vote and comment in that thread:

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭

    That is just insane. Yes, I've had a Category report open the whole time. It never occurred to me that could be the problem. I'm not sure a "visual indicator of an open report' would help if I didn't know what the impact of such a thing would be, but now that I know, it would certainly help when I notice updates getting slow again!

    Wow, thanks! I'll add my vote to your cause!


  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I'm not sure a "visual indicator of an open report' would help if I didn't know what the impact of such a thing would be

    I'm not sure of the best way to make users aware, which is why I've used the vague "visual indicator" terminology. I think it might help to pop up a dialog box when you launch Quicken to say "You have [x] open reports from your prior session. Leaving them open may slow transaction editing. Do you want to close them now?" Or maybe there's some better way.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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