Net worth reports show incorrect unrealized gains/losses. How do I fix this.

Quicken Mac 2017 Member, Mac Beta Beta
edited September 2024 in Reports (Mac)

The net worth reports in both QMac and QMac Beta show incorrect unrealized gains or losses. I have attached an example of the net worth by year from 2011-2024 and a detailed report for 2015 showing the significant increase in unrealized gains. Both are from my QMac file. The 2024 balance is correct. Balances for earlier years are not accurate.


  • Quicken Mac 2017 Member, Mac Beta Beta

    I figured this one out. It is all in the price file. I corrected it and all is well.

  • Moderator mod

    Hello @KJTemplin,

    Thank you for updating your post to let us know the issue has been resolved.

    If there were any specific steps you took to do so, please feel free to share them as well as it may help others experiencing the same.

    -Quicken Anja
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