PLEASE FIX THIS!!! Multiple data files showing in Web Version

I have tried to find a resolution for this numerous times and no luck. When I launch Quicken on the Web or device Older data files keep showing up in the list. There is only ONE data file connected via the application version so I can't delete the other ones.

It's very annoying and can definitely cause an issue if you happen to click on the wrong one!

This has been posted many times and YET you still can't provide an answer to resolve this.



  • cgoneal
    cgoneal Member ✭✭

    Sample, very annoying!!

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @cgoneal,

    In your desktop program, could you please navigate to avigate to Edit > Preferences... > Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts >Cloud accounts associated with this Quicken ID (#) (this is not a button, it is written in blue at the bottom of the window), and tell us if you see the extra cloud accounts listed in that screen?

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
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