Please improve report customization UI- search function and size of selection pane
Lori Zahorodny
When customizing categories for report customization, I regularly run into 2 frustrations:
- The search function is poor-you need to remember the exact name of the category/subcategory in order to be brought to the correct one. I would like to be able to filter the list by a key word anywhere in the cateogyr
- The window (circled in yellow) with the checkboxes is tiny, making it tedious to scroll through to find the categories you want.
I think you will find that both of these issues are addressed if you go to Edit > Preferences > Early Access and check the Customize reports box. Here I searched for "Adv" and the Category it found was the first one to contain that string. It still only finds the first match.
The Category box is also much wider with the new interface.
Unfortunately this version of the report customization UI has bugs that as far as I know have not yet been addressed, such as unwanted Categories being included in the report. See this discussion for more info.
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