Paycheck Net Amount Changes After EVERY One Step Update

Michael28480 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

I have, what I would consider, a medium complexity paycheck reminder. It includes 401k, HSA, Pre-tax, Post-tax deductions, and taxes. I use the tag trick, /<TAG> when categorizing. When I download newest transactions (one-step update) the paycheck reminder's net balance will not be accurate, which affects the forecasts. The delta is difficult to pinpoint, so finding out what line item is close to impossible. I think it is a mix of many, and no pattern. I have seen many other posts on this, all with no resolution. I have deleted and recreated the reminder. I have even went as far as calling support and asking, they just performed the repairs, and then said the file is corrupt. Ok, so I totally doubted the file corruption lame excuse, but, against my better judgement, I did create a whole new file for 2024. Well, the issue is still happening. And, now I have 2 files, one with 20+ years of data, and one with less than a year… Thanks Quicken support. My file is saved locally, yet another flaky theory on supports auto conclusion list. Now that I know and witness it happens after the OSU, I was able to do more investigating. I would remove line by line from the PC Reminder, do an update each time, and watch it get off balance. I think it has something to do we the pre-tax deductions. Has any one discovered a fix? Quite annoying, to say the least.


  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Michael28480,

    To help troubleshoot this issue, please provide more information. Where are you seeing the net amount change? Is this happening in paycheck reminders you've already entered into your register? Is it happening in the paycheck income reminder itself? When did you first notice this behavior? You mentioned you suspect it has something to do with pre-tax deductions. What behaviors are you seeing that lead you to suspect that?

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • GRTBob
    GRTBob Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am having the same issue. I found that the paycheck reverts to an amount that includes pre-tax deductions that "transfer" to a 401k account and a pension account set up in Quicken. When I click "Edit this instance and all future instances" and then "Done," the net pay returns to the correct amount. When I "sync with the cloud," the net pay increases again.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @GRTBob,

    Thank you for joining the discussion. In your One Step Update settings, is it set to sync with the cloud?

    If it is, could you try unchecking that option and see if the paycheck net amount still changes after running One Step Update?

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • GRTBob
    GRTBob Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hello, Kristina.

    You are correct that the amount does not change if I uncheck "sync to cloud." What is interesting is that the net amount is correct on "Quicken Web," whether I have sync turned on or not. The amount only changes in the desktop app.

  • Michael28480
    Michael28480 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    To help troubleshoot this issue, please provide more information. Where are you seeing the net amount change? Is this happening in paycheck reminders you've already entered into your register? Is it happening in the paycheck income reminder itself? When did you first notice this behavior? You mentioned you suspect it has something to do with pre-tax deductions. What behaviors are you seeing that lead you to suspect that?

    It happens in the reminder, before it is entered into the registry. I see above turning off cloud sync is a workaround, but I want to cloud sync, so this isn't ideal

  • GRTBob
    GRTBob Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hello Michael,

    It is happening in the "paycheck reminder." Previous entries do not change. I concluded that it is an issue with "pre-tax" deductions because the amount the paycheck increases is the same amount that is "transferred" to my 401k and pension account. Quicken excludes both amounts from the net pay unless I Click "Income and Transfers," click "edit" on the paycheck reminder, click "edit this instance and all future instances" (I do not edit anything), and click "done." The amount changes to the correct net pay until the next cloud sync. I use the cloud, so the workaround is not a good fix. As I also said, the "Quicken web app" amount is accurate. Something happens between there and my desktop.

  • Michael28480
    Michael28480 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    GRTBob, I agree with all you said. I am seeing the same behavior. I, too, use the cloud, so this workaround is not a fix, at all. Quicken, we have given all the details needed. Please fix. To reiterate, I was reluctantly convinced it was a corrupt file, a file that I had been using for 20 years, and now I am unable to add to it because I already started a new file for 2024. Reporting is much less realistic/accurate with the missing 20 years.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your replies,

    If you haven't already done so, please backup your Quicken file and try deleting the paycheck reminder, recreating it, and see if the issue persists after you've recreated the reminder.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Michael28480
    Michael28480 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Kristina, as mentioned in the original post, I have deleted and recreated. Does Quicken read these? You have multiple users reporting the same issue. This is clearly something to do with the Cloud sync and pre-tax deductions.

  • HRM_Jay
    HRM_Jay Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I had issues (for months) where my recurring paycheck value was incorrect.

    A one time fix for the current session

    • performed an "edit this instance and all future instances"
    • made no changes and selected #done, the values for all future instances would be correct

    However, this only corrected the issue for the current session. After closing out and re-launching, I would have to perform the same action to correct the issue again.

    After reading this post,

    • I disabled Sync
    • Performed the manual edit
    • The values updated correctly
    • Closed Quicken
    • Re-launch, values were correct
    • Re-enabled Sync
    • Closed Quicken
    • Re-launch, values were still correct

    Fingers Crossed. Hope this is helpful for someone.

    VR58.14, Build, Windows 11

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @HRM_Jay,

    Thank you for sharing the solution you found!


    The Community is mainly a forum where users can help other users. There are a handful of moderators, like myself, who can do some troubleshooting with you, but it is not the same as contacting Quicken Support.

    I recommend that you contact Quicken Support directly for further assistance with this issue, since they have access to tools that we on the Community cannot access and they're able to escalate the issue as needed. The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.

    I apologize that I could not be of more assistance! 

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Michael28480
    Michael28480 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Quicken support blamed it on a corrupt file. That isn't the case. They influenced me to start a new file after 24 years of data. And the issue happened on the new file. Quicken support only does a file validate repair, then a super validate/repair. If that doesn't fix it, they say the file is corrupt. We pay for that. Its sad.

    @HRM_Jay Did you do a sync/online update since? Your steps don't have the final step that actually triggers this behavior.

    • I disabled Sync
    • Performed the manual edit
    • The values updated correctly
    • Closed Quicken
    • Re-launch, values were correct
    • Re-enabled Sync
    • Closed Quicken
    • Re-launch, values were still correct

    Let me know, because I figure that will just trigger the unwanted "adjustment".

  • Michael28480
    Michael28480 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Quicken, any update?

  • Michael28480
    Michael28480 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Quicken Support, any update to this issue? It is a constant. Need a fix so we can use Cloud sync.