How do I successfully add an account to the account list and restore a second account?

A new credit card account is not showing up on the account list despite being Quicken having access to the account. During transaction updates, the transactions for the new account are showing up under the old credit card account. Meanwhile, after an attempt to fix the problem, a savings account will not download transactions, and a error message results in a window titled "One or more accounts need your attention." Following the directions to correct the problem fails to allow transaction downloads to the savings account.

I tried disconnecting the credit card from communicating with Quicken and tried re-adding the account, but no success in adding the account to the account list.

Should I try disconnecting the old account, then try adding the new account? I don't know if disconnecting the old account would be detrimental in terms of retaining data.

Subsequent attempts at updating transaction results in a couple error messages: 1) CC-506 | [Removed] 4688 and 2) CC-506 | [Removed] 5942.

In sum, there are two problems here. One is failure to get the new credit card listed on the accounts list. The other is failure to download new transactions to the savings account.

I'll check into the error messages, but in the meanwhile, what would you suggest?


  • Hello @K_the_81Maccann,

    To assist with this issue, please provide more information. What financial institution(s) are these accounts with? Is the new credit card a replacement for an existing card (for instance, new number due to lost card or fraud)?

    To address the issue with the credit card, if you're wanting it to show up as a new account, then backup your Quicken file, deactivate the account it's currently connected to in your Quicken file, then add the account by going to Tools>Add Account and following the prompts. When you get to the Add/Link screen, pay careful attention to what Quicken shows in the Action column. If it is trying to link to an existing account, click the dropdown and change it to Add to Quicken instead.

    Note: Deactivating an account should not impact the data already in the account. It would just prevent new transactions from downloading into the account.

    If the savings account is with the same financial institution, check to make sure it is connected to the correct account in Quicken. If you are seeing the CC-506 error for the savings account, then I recommend following the troubleshooting steps in this article on CC-506 errors.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Hi Kristina,

    Sorry for the delayed response. It took me a while before I finally managed to get the new credit card onto the account list. It took a while. However, I was NOT able to restore the savings account connection. In the account list, there's an icon before the account name. When hovering over the icon, I get the message "Quicken is unable to update your account. Please click here to add your account again." Following the instructions fails to get the account relisted. Any suggestions?

  • Thank you for your reply,

    If you followed the directions I posted earlier and you're still not able to relink the savings account, then there may be something causing Quicken to not see it as eligible for download. To look into this further, please answer these questions:

    • Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
    • Is the account considered an external account (i.e. are you redirected to a different website when selecting the account on the financial institution's website)? If so, what URL are you redirected to?
    • Is the account a subtype of a different account?
    • Which financial institution is the account with?

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Hi Kristina!

    I was going to get back with you, but then checked Quicken and found that the Savings Account appeared on the Accounts List! I hadn't done anything with Quicken or Chase since I last had contact with you so I don't know what happened. The only possibility I can think of is that maybe it took time for the account to show up on the list. Anyway, everything appears good.

    I'd like to thank you for your time and effort. I've been very busy lately so haven't been able to keep up with computer-related things, but maybe in this case, it worked out well.

    Thank you again!


  • Thank you for the follow-up,

    I'm glad to hear you were able to get your Savings account reconnected!

    If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.