TD Bank finally reconnected, but known transaction doesn't download

narrqchat Member ✭✭✭
  • originally, I noted one month ago that TD Bank was connecting but not downloading my credit card transactions, as it had for years.
  • I followed your instructions to disconnect the account, then reconnect. This resulted in not being able to reconnect, for weeks.
  • there was a note on your fail alert, 'just use this link, you can reconnect from the bank now'. But the link is totally bogus, does not go to any page at TD Bank.
  • today, because you assert TD Bank is surely fine now, I tried, couldn't reconnect as usual, then went all over their site until I finally found a page where I could disconnect from the bank's end, then allow again connection from their end. This page is:
  • after using this, I then could finally reconnect Quicken for downloads at my end.
  • I tried it out. On the first connect, there was a now expected zooming in the background through many transactions. But when the smoke/overlay cleared, the transaction from weeks ago is still missing.
  • It's still showing fine on the bank site, and I am going to manually clear and reconcile it here. But this is a terrible mess, and one can only hope next transactions will return to working.
  • more of the terrible mess is that you are sending me messages on this website which I 'have no permission' to open, thus even clear.
  • still more: I think you didn't enter correctly for a fix that Ally Bank connections, which otherwise work fine, will not allow me to add a new account — saying CC-501 on attempting login in your sequence, and that it's your fault, don't call the bank. This has been going on for a month.


  • Hello @narrqchat,

    We do currently have an active alert regarding different issues with TD Bank. You may follow this link to access that alert where you may bookmark it for further updates.

    As per the alert: "Typically, deactivating and reauthorizing the accounts will resolve the issue. If doing so fails, please reach out to Quicken Support directly for further assistance."

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • narrqchat
    narrqchat Member ✭✭✭

    Quicken Jasmine, thanks but please note:
    - all has appeared to work now, with another chance for monitoring coming later this week
    - in the message just above yours, I put a proper link for Quicken to specify to do the deactivate-activate routine you are recommending.
    - the link showing within the Quicken app for this is very wrong — needs to be updated to the one I gave

  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Moderator mod

    Hello @narrqchat,

    Thank you for coming back to update us. I am happy to hear that the issue is resolved for you. Would you mind providing me a link to the FAQ that Quicken gave you regarding deactivating/reactivating? This is so that I can forward this along and get it replaced.


    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • narrqchat
    narrqchat Member ✭✭✭

    Quicken Jasmine, the false link I'm referring to is in the app — it appears on the fail page when attempting to connect or reconnect to TD Bank specifically. That's where it needs to change that I'm mentioning.

    It says something like 'now you can reset etc. your downloading from the bank, use link here…'.

    Except, the bank website has nothing at that link, and pushes you to a front page. I could only find the way forward by very careful examination of the site's possibles — if I remember, a search didn't find it. Under whatever area they actually have for advising on Quicken, but I gave you the accurate link that worked, in the first message of this conversation, above.

    I just had a look to be sure, and I don't think your FAQ has anything about this, at present.