Address Updates On Checks (Q Mac)

zwheeloc Member ✭✭
edited September 13 in Product Enhancements

have the ability to update the address on checks (not electronic checks) in the Bills & Payee section. We receive our bills through the mail and enter them into quicken to print out checks on a printer. Sometimes, the payee address changes their PO Box number. I would love to see the ability to change the address in the list of payees that would reflect on the check.

1 votes

Already Offered · Last Updated

Go to Window>Payees & Rules. Right click, choose Edit Payee, and fill in the updated address information. When you are writing a check in Quicken, you should have the option to click Other Addresses and choose the newly updated address.


  • zwheeloc
    zwheeloc Member ✭✭

    Thanks. I think I was getting confused by the terms Bank Bill Pay, Check Pay and printing a check. I thought Check Pay was a service that would electronically print a check. I will try to put the info in and see what happens.

  • Hello @zwheeloc,

    Of course, let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Jasmine

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