American Express - Banking downloads STILL NOT FIXED!!

Doug Member ✭✭✭

This became an issue several months ago. I have two savings accounts through American Express - Banking. Initially, the issue was worked on for weeks and Quicken finally announced it to be resolved. Nope! It's never worked correctly since early July '24.

In the beginning after the "fix", I had an issue such as this: I transfer funds from one of my AMEX -Banking accounts to an external account. The amount would show as being transferred out of BOTH of my AMEX - Banking accounts. I would recognize and simply "delete" the match for the amount in error.

That was bad enough, but as of the past few days, I'm back to not being able to use OSU to download transactions from American Express - Banking AT ALL. AGAIN!!

Back to the "oops" Error.

What is the issue between American Express and Quicken? Holy Crow!😫


  • Yes— first, Express Web Connect + broke, and fell back to plain Express Web Connect, but multi-factor authentication was still working. For the past week, I'm still being prompted to choose my means of getting an authentication code, but can't download transactions, with error message CC-502. This issue was marked "resolved", but it sure wasn't resolved for me. (see

  • tabraun2000
    tabraun2000 Member ✭✭✭

    I saw a notification from Quicken Anja two days ago: "RESOLVED 9/12/2024 …" and figured oh good, now I can download transactions from American Express Banking again. Nope! Still not working.

    "Oops! There is a connection problem. CC-502. Quicken can't add this account because the American Express - Banking website is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few hours."

    Every time, same result. Weekdays, weekends, day or night. Doesn't work. Still. For months now.

  • DOS
    DOS Member ✭✭


    Still receiving: "There is a connection problem. CC-502. Quicken can't add this account because the American Express - Banking website is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few hours."

    If Quicken no longer supports American Express Bank and/or American Express Bank no longer supports Quicken at least have the courtesy to let your customers know.

    I do not have an issue logging into American Express Bank so It is obviously an issue between Quicken and American Express Bank. If Quicken confirms American Express Bank no longer supports Quicken, I will close my American Express Accounts and move to a bank that does, like Discover Bank that I know supports Quicken.

  • Hello All,

    If you're still encountering this issue after the alert has been marked as resolved, please contact Quicken Support directly for further assistance as they can walk you through troubleshooting steps in real-time and escalate the situation as needed.  The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday. Chat support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, 7 days a week.

    I apologize that I could not be of more assistance!  

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Doug
    Doug Member ✭✭✭

    OK. Having read the above post by Quicken Kristina, I contacted Quicken support. Worked with Gabriel for over an hour to try to figure out the problem. He first told me that in trying to set up the connection, I should NOT use "American Express - Banking" b/c that was a "workaround" from months ago. He told me to use the first choice, which is simply "American Express". When all was said and done, he told me that there is something on the AMEX banking website that is blocking connectivity to Quicken. I asked if he could elevate that and resolve it. He told me I need to contact AMEX online banking and get it resolved from their end.

    Soooooo … I called AMEX online banking and laid out the issue. That person told me that American Express banking has discontinued using third party software to allow downloads of transactions, and that I should just use the manual method. I asked her to elevate my concern, but I don't believe what she told me. This same thing has been told to me before and I was still able to make connection through Quicken. I think she basically doesn't know what's what.

    So, I once again find I'm in a "do loop". Quicken won't or can't fix the problem, and AMEX won't either.

    I'm giving up at this point. I'll just manually put in transactions into Quicken until something is resolved. The resolution MAY be that I just move my funds to another online bank. Others (like CIT bank) have good connectivity … even if they require a stupid text code for each connection. Better than no connectivity at all.

  • Thanks, Doug! You took a bullet for the rest of us. Enjoy your Sunday!

  • donnyg1
    donnyg1 Member ✭✭

    Totally disgusted with American Express and Quicken, as well. Every time I call Quicken, they want to spend hours with me on the phone and nothing works. Why don't they have a database showing it still is not working. As for American Express, they are totally clueless and blame Quicken. Even the American Express website is poorly created with a navigation system totally challenging. When Quicken charges a hefty yearly support charge, we should get better service. Quicken should not say that the problem is fixed when it isn't! I'm totally disillusioned with both companies. Maybe, we should start contacting our Attorney Generals in each state for poor banking service.

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm just wondering …

    If I can logon to the American Express website using my browser and see all my credit cards and my savings account, too, why can't we logon thru Quicken and, with one website access, download all our accounts using One Step Update?

    Why do we need one setup for credit cards and another one for the accounts at American Express National Bank?

    It should be possible to add the savings accounts to the existing authorization and download processes. They're within the same server farm anyway.

  • Doug
    Doug Member ✭✭✭

    FWIW, I have been ASSURED by Quicken support that what the lady at AMEX told me is totally false. AMEX has NOT discontinued using third party software (i.e., Quicken) to compile and download transactions.

    I, too, am disillusioned. The good news is that I have very few transactions from my two Amex Hi-Yield savings accounts, so I'll just log on to the website and enter transactions manually into Quicken as a stopgap. The Quicken support guy worked hard to get me connected … including taking over my screen when he figured I was a dummy. (Well, only sometimes!) Anyway, I'll wait for the issue to be resolved and worry about more pressing things in my life!😉

  • Read this:

    It is a bloody shame that Quicken charges more and more each year for less and less. After over 20 years of using Quicken, I have to say it is at a low in terms of its real usability for basic functions like downloading transactions directly from banks, etc. How soon will it be before other banks take the same stance as American Express Banking and Quicken becomes totally useless?