An extra amount is coming out of an annuity account each month that I cannot trace

actuary314 Member ✭✭✭

I'm using the latest release of Quicken Premier Classic. Each month, via Bills and Income Reminders, I transfer a constant amount of funds from an annuity account to my checking account. For each of the past three months, an additional constant amount is coming out of the annuity account, but not going into my checking account. I checked all my bills and income reminders and can't find where this additional amount is coming from. Any ideas as to how to eliminate this additional amount would be greatly appreciated.


  • NotACPA
    NotACPA SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    What does the statement from the annuity company show?

    How did you determine that these add'l funds are coming out?

    Does the annuity account exist in Q? If so, why can't you research it from there? If not, why?

    Have you looked at those monthly transfers to see if they're split, and maybe that's where the add'l funds are?

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • actuary314
    actuary314 Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your quick response. Here are my answers to your questions:

    1. I get only annual statements, but past ones show only the correct amount and not the additional amount.
    2. For each of the past three months, my Quicken annuity account shows two transactions instead of one. One of the transactions is for the correct amount. The second transaction is for the additional amount. It is this addition amount that I cannot trace. My checking account shows only the correct amount. The downloaded transactions from the annuity company show only the correct amount.
    3. Please see #2.
    4. There are no splits currently since Federal Income tax is not charged on principal withdrawn.

  • retird
    retird Member ✭✭✭✭

    Since you only get yearly statements you might start by contacting your annuity company. Find out what they are showing for monthly transactions for the past 3 months and where they are going. The extra amount you speak of may be going to another annuity person and it was taken from the wrong annuity (yours).

    Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.

  • actuary314
    actuary314 Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your quick response. I apologize for not being clearer. The issue is not with the annuity company. I am positive that they are paying the correct amount because the monthly downloads from them are correct. My problem is that I cannot trace the extra amount that is being recorded in my QUICKEN annuity account. I love Quicken and have been using it since around 1995. This is my error. I just can't figure out what I did to cause this extraneous amount to go into my QUICKEN annuity account.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    For each of the past three months, an additional constant amount is coming out of the annuity account, but not going into my checking account.

    How do you have this account configured in Quicken? (Investing account, banking/cash/spending account, other property/debt account?)

    Are you downloading transactions for this account from a financial institution? Or manually entering them in Quicken (even if as an automated scheduled transaction)?

    Are the transactions showing up and identifiable in the Quicken annuity account (and thus also able to be deleted as needed)?

    If so, what is the category assigned to the transaction?

    Is the amount of the transaction the same every month, approximately the same, or does it vary widely?

    When do these extra transactions appear in the account? Same time each month? When your regular transaction gets entered? When you do One-step Updates? Erratically?

  • volvogirl
    volvogirl SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes please give more details. Can you post a screenshot of the register showing the extra amount coming out? The whole line with the headings included.

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

  • actuary314
    actuary314 Member ✭✭✭

    q_lurker response

    Thanks. My answers:

    1. Other Asset.
    2. I'm downloading the transaction from the annuity company AND scheduling it as an automated transaction (Paycheck). Both amounts are correct, $350.17 each month. I then delete the downloaded transaction. But an additional transaction, $466.89 goes into the annuity account, at the same time.
    3. Yes.
    4. [Bob's Checking Acct]
    5. Almost always identical.
    6. When the regular transaction gets entered. (When I do OSU.)

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Do you have a Transfer or Income Reminder set up for the regular monthly transfers? (The Reminder should show up in both the checking account and in the annuity account registers as transfers between the two accounts.)

    If so, it is possible that the monthly withdrawal transactions from the annuity are not getting matched to the Reminder transactions in the Annuity register. That would create two withdrawal transactions in the Annuity account register when there really was only one. This is not an uncommon occurrence when it comes to investment accounts, especially if the Reminder transaction has a split category with one being for the gross distribution amount and the other being for an income tax deduction.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • actuary314
    actuary314 Member ✭✭✭

    volvogirl response

    Thanks. My answers:

    I'm reluctant to provide a screenshot because of confidentiality. However, I'm happy to give filtered answers for each non-blank field.

    Transaction #1 (correct amount)

    date: 9/11/24

    payee: company x

    memo: annuity

    category: [Bob's Checking Acct]

    decrease: $350.17

    amount: -$350.17

    balance: prior month balance less $350.17

    Transaction #2 (extraneous - I delete it each month)

    Identical to Transaction #1 except the $350.17 is $466.89.

  • actuary314
    actuary314 Member ✭✭✭

    Boatmaniac response

    I do have an income reminder with a split transaction set up. However, the gross distribution for quite a while = the net distribution because the income tax has been $0. Also, the transaction I need to delete, $466.89, exceeds the gross distribution, $350.17. But if this is the problem, how do I fix it?

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    First, I am curious about who the company is that is downloading Annuity transactions into Quicken. My understanding is that Quicken does not support Annuity accounts so we need to do a workaround with them by setting them up as manual offline tax deferred accounts (such as an IRA). Most of the companies that I am aware of that download Annuity data are not actually downloading from an Annuity account. Instead, they download data from a linked cash account. So, I would really like to understand who this company is and what data they are actually downloading into Quicken so I can learn more about it.

    On to your issue:

    The difference between $466.89 and $350.17 is $116.72 which is 25% of the $466.89 figure. That suspiciously appears to be a withholding tax bracket (from pre-2018). Could it be that they are still withholding fed tax from the distributions so there are two different transactions getting downloaded….one for the amount matching what is being downloaded into your checking account (the Net amount) and another for the pre-tax amount (the Gross amount)?

    I think the first thing I would do is to confirm what it is that the Annuity is actually distributing….a single $350.17 gross distribution or $466.89 gross distribution before $116.72 in tax is withheld? Since you get only annual statements it means you will probably need to contact either the Investment company or the Insurance company you purchased your Annuity from. Simply relying on what is downloaded into Quicken most likely will not be enough to clearly understand the transactions that are at play here.

    Generally, when an investment company downloads distribution transactions into Quicken, there will be 2 or 3 different investment transactions involved:

    1. The asset liquidation transaction: For tax deferred accounts, this would be the Gross distribution (before any tax is withheld).
    2. The actual distribution transaction: This can be the same amount as the Gross distribution (if there is no tax withholding) or it can be the amount of the Net distribution (if tax is withheld).
    3. The tax withholding transaction (if any).

    After you are able to confirm these details with the investment/annuity company, post them back here and we should then be in a better position to be able to assist you on this matter. And it will help in understanding and addressing what other issues this might be causing for you in your tax reports, Tax Planner and perhaps with your Annuity account balance.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • actuary314
    actuary314 Member ✭✭✭

    Thank you for your extensive work on this. It is greatly appreciated.

    I should have been more precise on the cash flow. You are correct that the $350.17 monthly distribution is not directly downloaded from the annuity company. I've set up a monthly direct deposit from the annuity company to my checking account, and that is what is being downloaded. As you may have guessed, I'm a retired actuary, so please trust me when I say that the $350.17 is the contractual gross amount (before FIT) of the distribution. The significance of the 25% is that I requested a 25% withhold for FIT. So, I originally set up a 75%/25% split of the $350.17 in the checking account. $262.63 was the deposit amount in the checking account, and $87.54 went into the FIT account. The full -$350.17 got recorded in the annuity account. This is a nonqualified annuity, so interest is distributed first, and is fully taxed. But when interest payments are exhausted, principal payments are not taxed. That is why the current split for well over 3 months is $350.17/$0. This was working fine for years. Then, beginning 3 months ago, an additional transaction for -$466.89 (= $350.17/75%) began appearing in the annuity account, in addition to the -$350.17 transaction.

    I'm due to get another annual statement in about a month, but I'm pretty sure that the $466.89 will not appear on it. If there is anything I should be doing in the meantime, it would be wonderful if you could let me know. Thanks so much for your help.