Unable to reconnect to Vanguard account automatic down load service.


I have been unable to get downloads from my Vanguard account for the last month. Thinking that it might be resolved by deactivating the account then re-activating it, I attempted to do just that. Unfortunately it looks like I am stuck in a loop which continuously returns me to the attached Quicken page. Selecting the SIGN UP NOW button causes the Vanguard web site to pop up in my browser but there are no instructions as what to do next. I thought that maybe just logging onto the site might be sufficient but apparently it isn't. Quicken just continues to return to the attached page. I am running Windows 10. Thanks


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I've never seen that page before, and using Google and that image I only came up with a handful of hits, most of which had no definitive answer. In one instance a poster reported that a subsequent update seemed to fix the problem, there was speculation that some sort of "permission" to share the Financial Institution's information was required, (I don't remember ever doing that with Vanguard), and speculation that data corruption of the data file was the cause of the problem. Nothing definitive, even when Quicken Moderators were involved with the posts.

    So the best I can suggest is pretty much the usual:

    • Do a validation of the file, or make a copy of the file (which will disconnect all Accounts from downloading) and validate the copy. (Quicken's Copy function does do some cleanup as part of its process).
    • Try installing a more recent update, or "roll back" to the previous update if you have recently updated.
    • Contact Official Quicken Support

    As a test you could create a brand-new file with only that Vanguard Account in it and see if downloads occur. That suggests some data file corruption might be the issue.

  • Larry Nichoalds
    Larry Nichoalds Member ✭✭✭

    Hi Tom,

    Thank you for your suggestions. I had done a validate for both the original and copied files. Everything was okay; i,e, QDF had no read errors, QEL had no read errors and all internal consistency checks passed. There was a very old stock split for a different account that might be missing, but other than that it all looked good.

    I also to created a new Quicken file that only contained the Vanguard account. This resulted in the same loop error that I initially encountered.

    I am running on the latest Quicken software (R58.14). You mentioned that I could "roll back" to an earlier release. How do you do that? I do not see the option. I thought the info might be buried in the release notes, but when I went to look in the notes it tells me "not found".

    Guess it's time to call Quicken support.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can roll back simply by downloading the Mondo Patch for an earlier version, and running it. You can find a list either here


    or here:


    The latter is maintained by a Quicken Super User and is safe to use.

  • Larry Nichoalds
    Larry Nichoalds Member ✭✭✭

    Hey Tom,

    So I went through the back-dating process. I am now on R57.12, . The issue I have now is that I can no longer run Quicken at all. I get the attached message.

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    That message, apparently, is Quicken's way of telling you that the login information for your account is screwed up and typically it's encountered when trying to download information. There's an FAQ for that situation

    but I'm not finding any information for your fact case. You've shut down the computer, re-booted and tried Quicken again? Another thing, maybe, is to click on your data file (or maybe the test file you created) instead of trying to open the program directly, to see if that launches the program.

    Perhaps it's time talk to Official Quicken Support.

  • Larry Nichoalds
    Larry Nichoalds Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks Tom, that seems to have solved the problem. I am now communicating worth Vanguard and the missing transactions are now present for both my test file and my regular working file.