Default backup file naming convention should be more user-friendly and consistent (Q Mac)

Quicken > Mac > Classic > Deluxe should be 'USER FRIENDLY' . Just adopt a variation of the ONLNE Backup file naming convention for LOCAL Backups. OR perhaps, for LOCAL Backups include the DATE (YYYYMMDD.) & MILITARY TIME HHMMSS where HH (00-23) MM (00-59) SS (00-59) giving
Quicken choice as to Backup prefix plus .yyyymmdd.hhmmss ← as the suffix
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Hello @William Day,
Thank you for coming to the Community to share your feedback! I have converted your post into an Idea post. Ideas that get enough votes may be implemented in the future!
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
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Thank you for converting my post into an idea post. Quicken > Mac really needs to be 'user friendly' - especially when trying to reload a particular backup.
If one doesn't like the use of Military Time in the filename then perhaps replacing military time with
AM-HHMMSS and PM-HHMMSS would work. where HH (00-11) MM (00-59) SS (00-59) would work.