Custom Investment Reports Using Tags [Edited]
I am about to retire and I'd like to create a report to show where I am with investing buckets. For example my investments for year1, year 2 and year 3 and then the general investments. These investments are spread among 4 or 5 different brokerages and investments. If I could tag the ones I am including for each year and then run a report to see how much I have it would be very helpful. Similarly, I'd like to see a report where I can see my "cash" vs other investments. Currently, "Cash" seems to include the amounts reported by each mutual fund as "cash" but in reality this "Cash" is not available to me separately, vs an account with money market funds. As a result, if I want to keep a 70/30 investments to cash, I can't monitor it in Quicken but have to export then model it in Excel. Thanks!
Doing this with tags, if even possible, would tons of manual entry (most people don't know that you can add tags to wherever a category is by using category/tag syntax, but lots of investment transactions don't have categories like buy and sell don't.).
It seems to me you need to look to "Asset class" of each security instead. By default, they will download what the quote server that Quicken uses are, but you can override that. Once that is done, you can use the view/report in Quicken for asset allocation to see how it breaks out.
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Do you want to tag individual securities, so that for example an S&P 500 fund might be in the "Long term" group no matter where it is held, or do you want to split a single security between more than one group?
If it is the former, you could use the "Investing goal" security setting to put each security in the proper group. Many of the investing reports can be filtered or subtotaled by Investing Goal. Otherwise it is more difficult
————-For your Cash question, it sounds like you are looking at the Investing > Asset Allocation report. The only way you can prevent Quicken from showing the cash that is held inside funds along with other asset classes separately from "real" cash would be to define the allocation for those funds that have some other primary goal as not including any cash.
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For the cash question, I use portfolio views (ctrl-u) grouped by Security Type.
I have created a separate security type for money market fund securities. Using portfolio views, I can select applicable accounts and group by security type. The MM funds will be together as one group. Cash within accounts not swept into MM funds will be a separate grouping.
For the other question, I would also attempt to use portfolio views, either using investing goals, as Jim suggested, or by customizing the security selection.