Any Ideas for creating a report to show only post-tax assets
I'd like help creating a report that shows me all my current liquid post-tax assets.
I want to be able to quickly see a snapshot of how much is available that wouldn't be subjected to tax (because the tax was already paid). For example, it would include all the cash available in bank accounts but also include all holdings in a Roth IRA (stock and cash).
I've tried an account balance report and filtered out all securities except cash but this excludes stocks in the Roth. If I include the stocks, funds, or ETFs in the roth account, the same assets held in taxable brokerage accounts would show up in the report.
Any ideas on how to get a report to show what I'm looking for?
I can't think of a way to do this short of making two Account Balance reports and adding them. The first would be all securities and just the Roth and banking accounts. The second would be all accounts except those in the first report but just money market funds and No security (includes cash).
You could export the reports to Excel and add the totals there if you want.
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Thanks. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything.