Category or Theme lists

Quicken Windows Subscription Member
edited February 17 in Investing (Mac)

Many brokerages offer 'Theme' investing opportunities currently. The theme typically is focused on a business opportunity area such as ' AI ' or ' Healthy Living ' or ' Medical Technology ', etc. Groups of stocks of companies that operate in these areas can be purchased simply by selecting the theme and choosing an amount of money to invest. The brokerage will allocate the investment amount across all the stocks in the theme. The brokerage will then allow the customer to view their stock holding by theme.

I think Quicken customers would benefit from new functionality that will allow such stock purchases to maintain that discrete theme identity when tracked in Quicken by either pulling the theme over during download or allowing the customer to add the theme manually.

Anyone else use these investment tools and think such functionality would be useful?


  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I see why that would be useful, but I don't think there's much hope of having it implemented in Quicken because the concept of a "theme" of securities doesn't exist in the OFX/FDX specifications used by financial institutions and programs like Quicken to download information. And I don't think it's likely to get added, since various programs have different ways of managing/grouping securities and accounts.

    I think your best hope would be for Quicken Mac to create a feature where users could create sub-groups of the securities in an account, allowing you to manually create the "theme" holdings. I don't think I've seen a feature request for that before, but you could create a new Idea post in the forum (Product Ideas > Ideas for Mac Classic > Investments). Just be aware that unless it's something the developers already have in their plans, the path from new Idea to implemented feature can be a long one. 😉

    Another alternative you might consider, if this is important to you, is to see if your brokerage company can split your different "theme" holdings into separate accounts. If that's feasible, that would be your fastest path to being able to see your investments by theme in Quicken Mac.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    There are numerous ETFs that focus on these Themes. You could buy one or a group of them to focus your investments on themes of your choice.

    The concept seems attractive, but often these funds have underperformed broad market indexes. See this recent article from Morningstar.

    QWin Premier subscription
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