Excluding"Hold" income from projected cash flow?

mjheights Quicken Mac Subscription Member
edited February 18 in The Water Cooler

Hi folks,

I'm curious if anybody knows a way to exclude "Hold" income transactions from project future cash flow? From what I'm understanding, it appears that Simplifi is categorizing pending transactions in my checking account as future income with category of "Hold". I'm not understanding the rationale of this, and it's making future cash flows projections unreliable. I know how to not include in reports and spending plan, but is there a way not include these transactions in project cash flow?



  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @mjheights,

    Since you are enquiring about Quicken Simplifi, your concerns would be best addressed by reaching out directly to Simplifi's Community, as we are only able to assist with Quicken Classic here. Please click here to be redirected to Simplifi's Community.

    Alternatively, you can also contact Simplifi Support for further assistance.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
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