Add ability to change start month for an existing budget (Q Mac)

AndrewFalciani Quicken Mac Subscription Member
edited January 30 in Budget and Planning Tools

I created a budget and Quicken Classic Deluxe (Mac) defaulted to December. I have customized this budget and now want to change this budget to start in January. When I bring up the "Edit Budget" dialog box, the Month field is grayed-out, and cannot be changed. I searched the Help Documentation (From the Help menu) and it actually shows that the Month field is editable. There is also a note in the Help Documentation explaining that the start month can be changed. See below. Was this feature removed? If so, is it on the roadmap to put back into the product? When?

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  • LeeAN
    LeeAN Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    I have the same need and question. I'd hate to avoid screenshotting and starting fresh. Seems like a MVP feature in my mind that should be here by now.

  • Just happened to me 😑