Not sure if my problem is the same as: UPDATE! 1/27/25 Multiple FIs - FDP-101/FDP-103, CC-501/CC-503

When I performed a OneStepUpdate on Jan 28, I gained another version of my Costco Citi card Account (Accounts/All Transactions/Banking).
The Update forced me to redo the connection to my CITI card indicating that the bank had new security requirements. Quicken created a whole new line item for my COSTCO CITI on my accounts list and downloaded two years of history plus several new transactions.
The new ACCOUNT has a notation "Express Web Connect+)" under the account name. The new transaction list of this new ACCOUNT matches each of the transactions in my original Costco Citi Card account for the last couple of years except for: 1) It has several recent transactions (which I expected). 2) For transactions that I had previously SPLIT (for Category/Amount) the new Account duplicated my most recent SPLIT on every single historical transaction. For example if my most recent transaction was for $100 and I had split it Groceries: $50 and Home: $50, all of the SPLITs duplicated it with the same two Categories and Amounts (Groceries: $50 and Home: $50) even though a transaction was for a different amount.
Bottom line: In Quicken, I now have two ALMOST identical COSTO CITI accounts. Since I have only one account at CITI Bank, I only need one account in Quicken and I need it to reflect the correct transaction SPLITS.
Thank you for any insight you can provide. I really appreciate it.
Best Answers
I forgot to mention that I use Quicken Classic Deluxe on Windows. Thanks again so much!
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Hello @PlsTellMeHowToDoThis,
From what I understand, it appears as though during the reauthorization process, you chose "Add as New" rather than "Link to Existing". I suggest deleting the extra unneeded account. You can do so by right-clicking the account > Edit/Delete Account > Delete Account > Type "yes" > OK. It is recommended to save a backup just in case.
I hope this helps!
-Quicken Jasmine
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I forgot to mention that I use Quicken Classic Deluxe on Windows. Thanks again so much!
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Hello @PlsTellMeHowToDoThis,
From what I understand, it appears as though during the reauthorization process, you chose "Add as New" rather than "Link to Existing". I suggest deleting the extra unneeded account. You can do so by right-clicking the account > Edit/Delete Account > Delete Account > Type "yes" > OK. It is recommended to save a backup just in case.
I hope this helps!
-Quicken Jasmine
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Thank you Jasmine! Your instructions were easy to follow and worked perfectly! I'm all set! I really appreciate your help.☺️
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Hello @PlsTellMeHowToDoThis,
You are so very welcome! I am happy to hear that I was able to help and you are back up and running!
-Quicken Jasmine
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