Everything Else--phantom category

Apparently there was an update to Quicken that is affecting reports on the MAC version. A new category is appearing in current and previous reports—Everything Else. This category is not list anywhere in the category lists or in my selected categories. And yet it appears. Also in printed reports it appears like this:
<b>Everything Else</b>
This is an obvious coding mistake contained in the updated quicken program. Customer Service has not been able to rectify the problem as of this writing.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to eliminate the "Everything Else" category line? Quicken says they are aware of the problem, but do not have a fix, and don't know when it will be fixed.
Weird! I've not seen that. Any uncategorized transactions show up as "Uncategorized" (which is what I imagine the "Everything Else" would be.
Do a fresh (not memorized) Reports >Transactions > Transactions by Category report. Do you see "Everything Else" there? If you double click on of the transactions to drill down to the entry in a register… what Category is displayed there?
(Side note: you might edit your profile here… click on your icon at the top right of the screen, click Account and Privacy Settings …. then in the right column, clickk on the text link "Edit Profile Fields" to change your Quicken version displayed to all of us here. It currently says that you are a Quicken Windows Subscriber vs Mac.)
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)
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Interesting problem, since the same problem just popped up in Quicken Windows.
Here is some context on that:
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/1 -
MontanaKarl. Thanks. Actually Quicken is run on a Windows platform. Although I have a MAC for everything else. Must have had a brain freeze when I typed orignal post.
I've been a Quicken subscriber since 1995. Loved the CD version, not only less expensive, but more stable. Had to change when my computer died and lost the CD for the new one.
I did the transaction report you suggested with a Quicken agent. " Everything Else" didn't show up. The agent indicated tjere
may have been a bug in the update. The other thing that's weird is when the report is printed, lines with Everything Else appear as <b>Everything Else<.b> . To me this indicates there's a coding problem. Second reply also says they're getting this weird category. So I think something is amiss. Thanks for the help. Hope Quicken fixes it soon.
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The workaround is to go to the Planning page (Budgets) and select the "manage budget categories" button. Then for all accounts where you have sub-accounts, make sure you unclick the high-order account for every account with sub-accounts. This will remove all Everything Else categories from your budget comparison reports.
The catch is you need to make sure you don't budget or expense anything to any high-order account that has sub-accounts beneath it. Because if you do then the budget report will not include that expense. You can check your history to see if anything has been posted to high-order accounts by reviewing your Cash Flow Report.
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yes that does work but then I lose my category hierarchy in the budgeting process
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This also happens with my PC. What is also disturbing is that there is a value attached to it and it changes with each month and is calculated in the planned totals.
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I'm having the same issue on my Win11 laptop. Messes up the totals. Very annoying.
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I'm having the same issue.
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Is there any update from Quicken Customer Support on this issue? Has a defect been written and what is the Defect #/Description?
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I have the same issue on my budget/actual reports.
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I have the same issue. It shows up as a line item in my budget. I am unable to delete it. It also shows up in my current budget reports and it actually shows a budgeted amount. Hope this gets resolved soon.