Support for TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities)

TIPS account for 8% of US Government debt. They are increasingly being recommended for retirement accounts. Unfortunately, Quicken does not provide an accurate picture of the value of and gains from my TIPS holdings and it is too difficult/time consuming to manage this (for me, at least) with the workarounds that have been suggested for the current product. (See links to posts below.)
Proper accounting for TIPS requires historical and ongoing data for the inflation factor of each TIPS offering. Managing this data is difficult for end users, but would be relatively easy for investment management software such as Quicken.
IMO, the best solution would be for Quicken to maintain (and regularly update) a table of data obtained from the Treasury on the historical values and inflation factors for all the various TIPS offerings. Users entering a TIPS holding in Quicken would match the CUSIP of the TIPS bond they purchased to one of the entries in Quicken's master table. Quicken would take care of the rest. This would be a real service to users.
Or you could buy a TIPS ETF such as VTIP
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