Include Custom Assets When Rebalancing Portfolio

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
edited March 17 in Investing (Windows)

Success? This is an issue that was first raised on these forums back in December of 2020 and is now marked closed — and you can now use the Rebalance Portfolio tool to rebalance your portfolio even if you've defined and used Custom Asset Classes! However…

Have any of you actually used the new feature? Who did the usability testing on this? I have several Custom Asset Classes and (I think) the latest version of Quicken (Quicken Classic PREMIER, R61.21, Build On the Investing > Allocations tab, clicking on the "Rebalance portfolio" button below the Asset Allocation pie charts pops up the "Portfolio Rebalancer" window, just like it always has. …And the table at the top does not include Custom Asset Classes and remains wildly inaccurate, just like it always has. Arithmetically, it is off by however much you have put into Custom Asset Classes. One wonders what it would take to fix this table, especially since the pie charts and table below it are now accurate. However, and here's what makes me question the usability testing, every time you wish to rebalance your portfolio (using the table at the bottom below the pie charts), you have to move the little slider bar at the bottom of the table to scroll to the right to see how much to invest/sell in each asset class. …which moves the actual names of the asset classes off screen to the left. 9_9

So, if you trade nine total asset classes (which I do at the moment), the rebalancing process goes like this:

  1. Go to the INVESTING tab.
  2. Click on "Allocations"
  3. Click on "Rebalance portfolio" (below the pie charts and the table)
  4. Go to the table at the bottom and use the slider to scroll to the right to see "Adjustment to reach Target" (how much to invest/sell in each asset class).
  5. Scroll back to the left to double-check which amount goes with which asset class — because you can't see both on the same screen at the same time.
  6. Scroll back to the right to double-check the amounts.
  7. Go to your brokerage account on your second monitor to execute the trades, scrolling back and forth in the little table again and again to make sure you're trading the correct asset classes and amounts.

I am grateful that I no longer have to have a spreadsheet open on my second monitor to do this, but… Would it be too much to ask to have this all be accurate and all on one screen? In a perfect world, I would be able replace the two pie charts at the bottom of the "Allocations" tab that I never use (Allocation by Account, Allocation by Security) with an "Allocations vs. Targets" pie chart and table that would show everything with no scrolling necessary. Being able to customize that little table so the columns aren't quite so wide or maybe eliminate one or more of the columns would also be helpful.

Thanks for listening. :)


  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @snowmp,

    Thank you for coming to the Community to provide your feedback. The issue you describe with custom asset classes not reflecting in the table at the top of the Portfolio Rebalancer window has already been reported to our teams for investigation and resolution. We do not currently have an ETA for when the issue will be fixed.

    Thank you!


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