Rogers Bank Master Card (Q Mac Canada)

Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
edited March 16 in All Things Canadian (Mac)

Is anyone finding that Quicken Connect no longer works with Rogers Bank of Canada for Master Card transaction downloading? For the past couple of weeks, it has not worked. To make matters worse, when I download transactions manually from the Rogers website, my Quicken Classic simultaneously produces 2 inconsistent pop up screens. One says, "Processing 6 transactions..." and the other says, "Download unavailable! This Fl is inactive, we cannot connect." Screen shots attached. I've sent multiple error reports to Quicken and inquired of Rogers but no replies. Thanks for any help!


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  • Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @tcolyer,

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

    I was able to confirm that you are also receiving an FDP-102 internally with your Rogers Bank Master Card account(s). First, I suggest attempting the instructions below to see if this may resolve the error for you. You can find these steps and more information in this Support Article.

    At your bank's website, try to log in. Then navigate to the transactions in one of the accounts you're trying to add.

    What if I could not sign into my bank's website?

    If you couldn't sign in from the website, the next thing to do is to try bank names similar to yours. This would be necessary if two accounts you usually access from the same website are available under different names on our list.

    For example, from the Wells Fargo website, you might see your Wells Fargo checking and auto loan accounts listed together. But from within Quicken, you may need to:

    • Select Wells Fargo Bank to add your checking account.
    • Select Wells Fargo Auto Loans to add your loan account.

    Here's how to find bank names similar to the one you last chose:

    1. Close the browser window that contains your bank's website.
    2. Back in Quicken, click No, maybe I chose the wrong bank name.
    3. If you see another variation on your bank's name, click it, and try signing in.

    If the steps above don't resolve the issue

    The cause could be that the bank account login password uses special characters that interfere with Quicken's ability to download transactions. These special characters are ampersand (&), left carat (<), right carat (>), backslash (\), and forward slash (/). Having these characters in the password can also prevent you from activating an account for Quicken Connect. You will need to change your password with your bank to use characters other than these five special characters.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    -Quicken Jasmine

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  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am having the exact same problem. Quicken is not connecting with Rogers Bank as of a few days ago. ,

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    thanks for these ideas, Jasmin. None of them leads to a solution. Quicken Connect with my Rogers Master Card account has worked for over a year. I've made no changes at all. Suddenly about two weeks ago it stopped working and I began getting those error messages. Within the last couple of days, the problem has metastasized so that now when I manually download transactions bypassing Quicken Connect, I can no longer import them into my Quicken Rogers Master Card account.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Aseatondream and @tcolyer,

    Thanks for providing more information and for joining this thread.

    I am going to forward this issue along to be further investigated. In the meantime, could you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files, a sanitized data file, and screenshots (if possible) attached? While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams further investigate the issue.

    Please let me know once you have done so! Thank you.

    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hi, Jasmine. I have recently forwarded multiple problem reports about this issue to Quicken Support through the drop-down menu option. They have included the log files, a sanitized data file, and screenshots. I have now disconnected the Rogers account as a prelude to re-connecting it. But when I attempt that, I get nowhere and another error report is generated with this message:

    Please try again later.

    Care Code: FDP-102

    Retry. SUB_ERROR_CODE:519 SESSION_FAILED_519null.

    I will send this one too.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @tcolyer and @Aseatondream,

    Thank you for providing more information and for submitting problem reports. I have created an internal ticket for my team to review and investigate for a resolution.

    We appreciate your patience and support!


    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Great work, Jasmine!! It seems to work today. Really appreciate your help (and the support folks)!



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