Charles Schwab - Missing Equity Awards Account (QMac)

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[ONGOING] 8/28/24: Charles Schwab - Missing Equity Awards Account



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  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    Same here. Quicken classic. After connecting with CharlesSchwab which does give Quicken access to EAC, EAC is not shown as other accounts like individual investment. One of the customer support said there was a change on CharleSchwab side so it is not quicken's problem. I do not think this is the right mindset.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod
    edited March 17

    Hello @Hugo17,

    Thank you for letting us know you're also impacted by this issue. Since you mentioned you contacted Support, I tried to look up the ticket from when you contacted them, but wasn't able to find it. Do you happen to have the ticket number?

    Could you provide more information on the issue you're encountering? Were your EAC accounts previously connected and working in Quicken? If so, when did they stop working? Did you see any error messages/codes? What is happening when you try to reconnect them? For example, it sounds like you can see them when authorizing with Schwab, but what is happening when you get to the add/link screen in Quicken?

    Do they not show up on that screen at all? Are they visible, but showing Ignore "Don't track in Quicken"? Is something else happening?

    I look forward to your response!

    Quicken Kristina

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  • Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭

    I have had the same issue for years.I just gave up and manually add the shares. But it should not be like this. I was a software engineer for thirty years and the only reason this does not get solved is because no one is working the issue.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member

     Were your EAC accounts previously connected and working in Quicken?

     If so, when did they stop working?

    Around a year ago.

    Did you see any error messages/codes?


    What is happening when you try to reconnect them? For example, it sounds like you can see them when authorizing with Schwab, but what is happening when you get to the add/link screen in Quicken?

    It is not shown in the add/link screen after authorization.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    There are a few things that can cause an account to not be visible to Quicken when attempting to add or reconnect it. Do any of the factors listed below apply?

    • No activity in the account in the last 90 days
    • The account is considered an external account (i.e. are you redirected to a different website when selecting the account on the bank's website). If so, what URL are you redirected to?
    • The account is a sub-account of a different account.
    • The financial institution made changes to its website or sign-in process.
    • You are an authorized user or logging in with an authorized user's credentials.
    • The account is both the same account type and the same account number as another account already connected in your Quicken.

    I look forward to your reply!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    • No activity in the account in the last 90 days
      There is activity in last 90 days
    • The account is considered an external account (i.e. are you redirected to a different website when selecting the account on the bank's website). If so, what URL are you redirected to?
      It is not considered as external account. It looks like just like the indiivdual accoun in the authorization page.
    • The account is a sub-account of a different account.
      I do not think so
    • The financial institution made changes to its website or sign-in process.
      Not I am aware of
    • You are an authorized user or logging in with an authorized user's credentials.
      Not sure what this means
    • The account is both the same account type and the same account number as another account already connected in your Quicken.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your reply,

    Since none of those factors seem to apply, have you checked with the financial institution to find out if there's a specific connection option you need to use in order to connect those accounts in your Quicken? I can see there are multiple options.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

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