Create a useful Category/Transaction Detail Report in Quicken For Mac (248 Legacy Votes)

Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2023 in Reports
What is needed is a category or transaction detail report like in QM2007 (and other versions of QWin). When included with the other report related features listed in this forum, it will achieve the level of versatility needed, such as with the following: * I have over 80 memorized reports, so with this feature would be extremely useful

Currently, the only way to get anywhere close to this is via the Category Summary report and select to show details. Unfortunately, it is hugely inflexible, providing very little control over its content and format.

As I have described in detail here in Request for Customizable Reporting Engine, a single properly designed detail report template can be used to create 3 different detailed reports for Category, Payee and Accounts. This same template could be easily modified to also create the Tag Detail report, by simply changing the order of columns. 

(The same approach can be use with a single summary report template to replace 4 existing Category, Payee and Accounts Summary, and even Tags reports.)

Of the 80+ memorized reports I have, over half of these are detail reports. So, this report is really needed.

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(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

18 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated

This Idea has been partially implemented with the addition of the "Transaction Report". The request for "Category/Transaction Detail" report features has been submitted for review. Some of the requested features have been implemented: subtotals show on reports, you can choose which columns to display, you can select "uncategorized" & "No tags assigned", $0 transactions show up on reports, you can opt to include/exclude transfers (Edit>Advanced), you can choose between Income and Expense or Cash Flow (Edit>Advanced), you can add a Cleared column to the Transaction reports and sort by that column (View>Columns), View>View Settings gives some report formatting options QMAC-18027


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