Incorrect Portfolio Value report values

When I run the Portfolio Value report, 3 of my accounts show 'phantom' securities that are no longer in the accounts. These phantom securities do not show up in the current accounts and many have zero or negative cost basis. The result is that the portfolio report is not accurate and has an inflated value. I was told by tech support that I could manually remove these securities, but if I have to go in and manually check every account for security accuracy, the report is useless and worse gives me an inflated value of my portfolio. Has anyone else experienced this?


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are you saying that in the Portfolio Value report these securities are listed showing a positive number of shares, such that (quote) x (shares) = Market value?  Or are they not showing any shares but do, I guess in some cases, have a negative basis? 

    Can you post a picture, suitable redacted if necessary, showing this?
  • jlspitzer
    jlspitzer Member ✭✭
    Here is an example (values are not real). Let me know if this is clear. 

    Account 1
    Apple 10 shares - value $1000
    JnJ 20 shares - value $2000
    S&P Index 5 shares - value $2000

    Portfolio Value Report for Account 1
    Apple 10 shares - value $1000
    Microsoft 10 shares - value $500  (shows up but is not in account)
    JnJ 20 shares - value $2000
    Disney 10 shares - value $1000 (shows up but is not in account)
    S&P Index 5 shares - value $2000

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