The system still doesn't show the due items in the main window

See attached. Those 2 items used to show years ago, one update fixed it, but has been doing this for a long time still. I have to click on manage bills and income to get to it.


  • Frankx
    Frankx SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Hi @dfatq,

    Can you tell us which versions and builds of both Quicken and Windows you are running?  Also, some community members have reported this happening after they downgraded from one version of Quicken to another (like from Deluxe to Starter) - is it possible that your problem started after such a downgrade?  And lastly, are you using Quicken Mobile of Quicken on the Web, and if so, did this behavior start after you started using them?

    Get back to us and we'll go from there.


                            Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version

                                             - - - - Quicken User since 1984 - - - 
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  • dfatq
    dfatq Member ✭✭
    Version: R32.10
    Windows 10 Enterprise.

    I haven't downgraded as far as I know. I first reported this back when it started a couple / few years back (after sold by Intuit). They fixed it at one point, then it stopped again. I've been using Quicken since Parsons, moving from DOS version to Windows. I think at some point I did a fresh startup. I don't use any of the web stuff, still local file, but do download CC and stock/options transactions.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are there or are there not two scheduled reminders which should show in the register's Bill and Income Reminders tab?
    If there are, would you please show us these two reminders in the Tools / Manage Bill & Income Reminders view?
    I'd like to see if there's something not right with these two reminders.

    Can you please capture one or more images of the parts of your Quicken window showing the issue, sensitive information blacked out as necessary to protect your privacy but annotated to describe the situation, and attach the image(s) here?

    Please save images to files of file type PNG, JPG, or GIF only. They're easier to work with than PDF files.

  • dfatq
    dfatq Member ✭✭
    Here's the pic - got busy ..
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the images.
    The first image you submitted shows the mismatch between "(2 Due)" and "no bills due for this account message"
    The second image shows your Manage Bills and Income Reminders View. In this image I can see two sections of the report.
    The first one shows 2 printed check Reminders due 4/1, but the report doesn't show which account they'll be drawing from.
    The second section, titled "Schedule these?", shows two more transactions, also due 4/1. Quicken recognizes 2 apparently recurring transactions for which no Scheduled Reminder yet exists. Quicken wants to know if it should create reminders for these.
    I could be wrong, but perhaps the count mismatch comes from the "Schedule these?" section where there are two possible payments due, but they aren't real reminders yet. Only a programmer could tell us definitely where that count is coming from.
    I haven't used the "Schedule these?" suggestions in many years so I can't really say.
    Do you actually use these suggestions or do you ignore them?
    If you ignore them, did you know that you can turn them off? To do so, in your Manage Bills and Income Reminders View click the Options button and uncheck all Suggest Reminders options.

    And maybe that'll clear the count mismatch ...
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