R42.8-R42.21 - Tags are deleted after One Step Update - might be Mobile SYNC related.



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    To top it off, every time I perform a OSU, Quicken offers to update my working 41.19 version to the staged 42.19 version, which is known to have this tag defect. I, of course, decline, but the vast majority of users don't follow these forums, and they would unsuspectedly accept this update, further propagating this data corruption to more users. It's really unconscionable for Quicken to continue to offer a staged update that has a known serious flaw like this. They should perform better QA so they don't release versions with serious bugs like this, and if one does happen to slip through, they should pull the plug on it as soon as a serious defect emerges.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I cannot turn off Sync, as we have two locations - syncing is critical to our ability to use the desktop and the web access. As everyone has stated, all tags are missing. I can go to a previous backup, but every time we sync, we'll lose the tags again. This is completely unacceptable, as tags are an integral component of my data management. I'm hoping that Quicken, when solving the bug that was reported, apparently, 10 days ago (!) they also write a procedure to go to a backup before the error was introduced and AUTOMATICALLY re-add the tags. To ask us to go through and re-enter years of tags is unreasonable, as is asking us to re-enter transactions from after the backup.
    Do you even have a dummy database that you BETA TEST against before you release this crap?
  • Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    Blew my whole Sunday on this issue before I found this forum. After I turned off Mobile & Web --> SYNC was I able to download transactions from my banks and credit cards without ten years of TAGs being deleted. FIX THIS, Quicken! What a PITA!
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Happy to see this bug is reported fixed today in version R42.21. I hope this discussion helped many users avoid losing their tags. For those of us who lost tags, try recovering a backup prior to version 42.8 (about July 2nd) and running the new version from that point forward.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @rjshupehelp said:
    > Happy to see this bug is reported fixed today in version R42.21. I hope this discussion helped many users avoid losing their tags. For those of us who lost tags, try recovering a backup prior to version 42.8 (about July 2nd) and running the new version from that point forward.<<

    I just tried checking for updates and Quicken says I have the latest version at 42.19. Does anyone else have this issue?

    Quicken Deluxe/Windows 10
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @Damian said:
    > @smokeyham if you go out to the Mondo Patch page, you will be able to update to R42.21.
    > https://www.quicken.com/support/update-and-patch-20182019-release-quicken-windows-subscription-product


    Thanks for that update. I have installed the update and so far the solution seems to work for me.

    One odd thing is that now when I go to enter a transaction on the mobile app and use the drop down list of Tags then all of the tags I have on my list show up as options. These include the ones I have hidden in the Quicken program on my computer. Was it always that way or is this a new glitch?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta
    edited August 2022
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    @nickyhibbs do you mean that missing Tags are not restored with R42.21, or that if you restore a backup that includes the Tags then sync to Mobile the Tags still disappear?

    It would be nice if the Tags were restored, but I am afraid that once they are lost they are gone permanently.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta
    edited August 2022
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @nickyhibbs said:
    > I load up a tags-are-there 47,600 transaction, 175MB QDF into R42.21 and if Mobile and Web is on it deletes most (90% maybe) of the tags just as the one-step update is finishing up.  I also load the same file into Beta52.5 with the same result.  I've used this database in every iteration of Quicken since 1991.

    So sorry to hear this is happening - what a disappointment after it looked like a solution had been achieved. Might be worth a phone call to the helpdesk.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the report, @nickyhibbs.

    It is strange that it deletes some but not all of your Tags. Do you see any pattern to what is deleted or not deleted? Newly created ones maybe, or something else that they have in common?
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta
    edited August 2022
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    When this gets fixed, is there a way to take an older backup and get all current updates/transactions added since the backup was created? I tried loading the backup and updating on another computer and many of the new transactions do not appear. Is there a way to update beyond manually adding weeks of transactions?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @mlabjr61 said:
    > When this gets fixed, is there a way to take an older backup and get all current updates/transactions added since the backup was created? I tried loading the backup and updating on another computer and many of the new transactions do not appear. Is there a way to update beyond manually adding weeks of transactions?

    Sadly, I am not aware of any way to do that.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @nickyhibbs said:
    > It seems to be working now after I went into the Mobile and Web screen where you turn this feature on/off.  There is found "Troubleshooting: Reset your cloud data." I selected that and it churned awhile and then said the cloud data was "reset successfully."  Now the OSU works correctly.  I don't know if this is the fix or just what.  I still don't trust it. Keeping fingers crossed. 

    In addition to resetting your cloud data [Edit/Preferences/Mobile & Web/Reset Cloud Data] you should also be sure to log out of your mobile app and log back in again.
  • Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    Wanted to update the community. If you had seen my prior posts to this issue, you will find that I have had this problem for three weeks. I finally contacted on Tech Support, on line for two hours, connected to Tier 2 support as well. I was not sent my support ticket, but I did see a bookmark from this issue afterwards so I wanted to pass it along.

    Please note that with Tech Support we perform 1) Validate and Repair, 2) Ctrl-Shift Validate and Repair, 3) Mondo patch install, 4) Restore from backup of file with Tags present, 5) Turned off all mobile sync. , 6) examined the TAG list, no known missing tags. Good so far, tech said "see, it all works", but then 7) <B>Ran OSU One Step Update</B> and BANG, most every historical transaction had the <B>TAG REMOVED</B>.


    I was given ticket #9618058 as the referenced ticket number.

    > Quicken Anja
    > July 28 edited July 28
    > Users have reported that their tags disappear from the register and tag list after installing the Quicken for Windows release R42.8 and running a One Step Update with sync turned on.
    > The current workaround is to restore a backup that was saved before the issue started, and turn off cloud sync until after the issue is resolved. However, this issue has been escalated internally and is being worked on, though we do not have an ETA on a resolution at this time; we do expect this to be resolved very soon.
    <B><I>The above does not work</I></B>
    > To be notified of updates as they become available, please click the bookmark ribbon located in the upper right.
    > https://community.quicken.com/discussion/bookmark/7916902/06As2rBEetKD4xqu?Target=discussion/7916902/new-7-28-22-tags-disappearing-from-the-register-and-tag-list
    > Thank you!
    > (Ticket #9618058/CTP-4069)
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Please see the post immediately above yours, which says you must also reset your cloud data by going to Edit > Preferences > Mobile & Web > Reset Cloud Data and also log out of your mobile app and log back in again, between your steps 6 and 7.

    Please try that and see if it fixes the problem.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Just double posting this last step -
    In addition to resetting your cloud data
    --> [Edit --> Preferences --> Mobile & Web --> Reset Cloud Data]
    you should also be sure to log out of your mobile app and log back in again.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I just applied R42.21 and the problem I had with new and updated tags disappearing seems to be resolved.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @Ps56k2 said:
    > Just double posting this last step -
    > In addition to resetting your cloud data
    > --> [Edit --> Preferences --> Mobile &
    > Web --> Reset Cloud Data]
    > you should also be sure to log out of your mobile
    > app and log back in again.

    Just to add, and this may be obvious or may not, but the data you are resetting to cloud (from your computer) must contain the tags, i.e. it is a restored version from data saved before the tags were erased.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    There needs to come a point where there is an official fix that’s been thoroughly tested and validated. I’m shocked at the lack of official response from Quicken management.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I agree with dsr212. This doesn't seem to be as critical as you would think when many of Us lost years of data. Hope they come up with a way to get it back without tons of manual work.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @mlabjr61 said:
    > I agree with dsr212. This doesn't seem to be as critical as you would think when many of Us lost years of data. Hope they come up with a way to get it back without tons of manual work.

    The only manual work I had to do was to re-enter transactions from 7/1/2022 - my last good backup. Do you have a backup from before the tags disappeared?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    To find a backup from before the Tags were deleted, look in the BACKUP folder inside the same folder where your Quicken data file is stored. Normally this folder would be Documents\Quicken\BACKUP.

    There should be a file with a name like
    <your data file name>-R-41.19-<date you upgraded to R42.XX>.QDF-backup

    The date should be sometime in early July. If you upgrade to R42.21 and restore this file, the Tags should be intact.

    Then go to Edit > Preferences > Mobile & Web and Reset your Cloud Data

    Then log out of the mobile app and back in again.

    After you complete these steps, you should be able to do a One Step Update ad your Tags should not be deleted.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @westmorelandplayers said:
    > > @mlabjr61 said:
    > > I agree with dsr212. This doesn't seem to be as critical as you would think when many of Us lost years of data. Hope they come up with a way to get it back without tons of manual work.
    > The only manual work I had to do was to re-enter transactions from 7/1/2022 - my last good backup. Do you have a backup from before the tags disappeared?

    Yes I have backups. You have no issue with documenting all the transaction for over a month and typing them in manually? Am I missing something or is there an easy way to do this for all my accounts? Between all of them I am sure it is at least 100 transations.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you have been entering new transactions into a file with deleted Tags and you want to re-create them in an undamaged file, I suggest that before restoring the backup, you print a report that shows all the transactions you have entered since the problem occurred, in case you need to re-enter them.

    To do this, go to Reports > Banking transactions. Set the Date range to Custom and set the starting date to 7/1/2022. Choose Subtotal by Account. Click the Customize gear at the top right of the report and check the Show splits box. Under Show Columns, you can un-check the Tax item box to make the report narrower. Click OK to display the report. Adjust the column widths if necessary, then print the report.

    Then you should back up your current data file in case you want to return to it and restore a backup from before you installed R42.09. This would be early in July, as discussed above. Verify that the Tags look OK in the restored backup.

    If the Tags look OK in the restored backup, you will keep the backup and re-enter any transactions you entered since then. 

    Reset your cloud data as discussed above and log out and back in to the mobile app.

    Accept Reminders as you normally would. Be careful when accepting Bill Pay reminders to avoid double payments. Then you can do a One-step Update to download transactions and accept them as you normally would. Compare the transactions in your registers to those in the report you printed earlier and enter anything that is missing. 

    I have not experienced this issue so I am not certain the the above steps are complete and accurate. If anyone else has contrary or more complete information, please post it. 
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Member ✭✭
    Good news about tags. Quicken made an update available today that addressed the problem of tags disappearing after mobile sync. It seem to work from that perspective, but.....the release is not stable. Quicken crashed several times while I was updating transactions or navigating through the various screens. There was no rhyme or reason to what caused the crash. So, a good news/bad news release!
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @mlabjr61 said:
    > > @westmorelandplayers said:
    > > > @mlabjr61 said:
    > > > I agree with dsr212. This doesn't seem to be as critical as you would think when many of Us lost years of data. Hope they come up with a way to get it back without tons of manual work.
    > >
    > > The only manual work I had to do was to re-enter transactions from 7/1/2022 - my last good backup. Do you have a backup from before the tags disappeared?
    > Yes I have backups. You have no issue with documenting all the transaction for over a month and typing them in manually? Am I missing something or is there an easy way to do this for all my accounts? Between all of them I am sure it is at least 100 transations.

    Oh, I wasn't happy. I had about sixty transactions, most with 3+ split lines. With a printed report before loading the old backup, it really wasn't too bad.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    So I followed the procedure and so far so good with the tags. Most of my transactions came back when I did an update. I had to go in and redo all the categories and comments, but better then having to do the whole transaction. One issue I see is all my daily investment data (i.e., security value per day) is missing for the period between the backup and today. Is there anyway to get this back?
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