R42.8-R42.21 - Tags are deleted after One Step Update - might be Mobile SYNC related.



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Please be sure to report the issue through the "Help/Report a Problem" menu. This will help Quicken to see the extent of the problem and also the log files you attach can help them to resolve the issue.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I've reported the situation with tags being deleted and other very bad effects of one or more bugs in R42.8 to Quicken via Help > Report a Problem. I encourage anyone else similarly affected to do so as well, to reiterate to Quicken that this a widespread and serious (literally catastrophic) data destruction that they have done. It puts the reliability of their entire application into serious question and will represent an existential threat to their continued viability if it becomes widely known that they put out a buggy release that deleted substantial amounts of user data. They have to take this seriously. Here's what I said in my two reports:

    Text entered on Help > Report Problem 2022.07.23:
    Tags on thousands of transactions over 20 years are missing. Quicken has apparently just deleted them. This is catastrophic data corruption. I see that it is a known problem, discussed in https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7916251/r42-8-tags-are-deleted-after-new-update and reported by one user in Ticket #9595201. Please let me know what happened and what you are doing to correct it. The thread says that even after restoring from backup, tags are continuing to be deleted. Restoring from backup would mean re-entering many transaction since then, but I'm certainly not undertaking that until I know you've fixed whatever the problem is so I don't have to do it a second time or more.

    Text entered on Help > Report Problem 2022.07.24:
    Additional effects of the bug in R42.8 that lost thousands of transactions' tags and that I reported yesterday (in which I referred to someone else's Ticket #9595201 and the thread at https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7916251/r42-8-tags-are-deleted-after-new-update) include Quicken having actually deleted five entire accounts (some sync'ing to the web & mobile and some not), randomly deleted several individual transactions in other accounts, and ballooned the size of my .QDF file from under 250MB to over 460MB. Do you have any clear correction for the bug and will you offer any help in recovering from it, for example help merging new transactions since the last backup into a restored file to [make] my file whole again after Quicken's deletion of my data?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Further update:
    Text entered on Help > Report Problem 2022.07.24 1743, Title: Deleted Tags In Deselecting Accounts for Web/Mobile Sync and Turning It OFF:
    This is report # 3 about the problem with R42.8 that is deleting tags. I restored from backup and merely delected the one account that was still selected for web/mobile sync, leaving NO account selected to sync, and turned OFF mobile/web syncing in Preferences. Quicken performed some kind of sync and again deleted many transactions' tags, though not all. I'll try restoring again and just turning web/mobile syncing off without changing the selection of accounts. If that doesn't work, then there seems no hope for continued use of Quicken. I still don't feel secure using it until I hear back from you that you've definitely fixed the problem that has deleted important parts of my data repeatedly.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    I just read the release notes for the latest up (the one that we are having problems with tags disappearing upon sync). Ironically, Under "What's Fixed," they state "Issues with tag errors during cloud synchronization."

    Maybe they should add a "What's Broken with this Update" section. :(
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I have trasactions that I separate based on Tags and all my previously "Tagged" transations are now showing blank in Tagged field. The Tag List still shows the tags I am using but not the specific transactions in the register. This is critical for me. When is the ETA for this fix?
  • Member ✭✭
    Wow, this is unacceptable and amounts to a huge data loss for many of users. I add tags to almost every transaction and just noticed that it's deleted like half of my tag list - hence thousands of transactions have lost tags. I just got done fixing a bunch of paycheck corruption issues and see more countless hours to fix this issue. Quicken needs to implement better QC processes and figure out a way to make this right. Functional bugs and issue are one thing, but data loss and corruption are a whole different level. I guess I'll once again hold off entering transactions until there is a resolution for this.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    My tags are missing as well. Will I have to enter them manually? I also noticed another issue, which may be related to a recent update. In some of my accounts the opening balance was duplicated.
  • Member ✭✭
    > @Doodles-CC said:
    > My tags are missing as well. Will I have to enter them manually? I also noticed another issue, which may be related to a recent update. In some of my accounts the opening balance was duplicated.

    It seems the only solution will be to restore from backup or manually renter those tags - but first, I would wait until they resolve the issue or else it may come back
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Repeating my earlier comments:
    After turning off Sync to Mobile and Web, tags are no longer being erased by One Step Update. I don't use Mobile and Web versions of Quicken.

    I have been able to continue using Quicken, including One-Step Updates, without further loss of Tags or tag entries in my registers. Just in case, I am backing up every day.
  • Member ✭✭
    I also contacted support - such a disappointing response from Quicken. Basically said that there is no ETA for the problem or planned resolution date yet I need to keep coming back to the community and check for updates.
  • Member ✭✭
    I discovered this problem after upgrading to the current release. All tags from all historical transactions were similarly erased. Fortunately I was able to recover them by restoring a recent backup, and have turned off mobile sync until Quicken makes a fix available. I also reported the problem as a bug to add to the list of complaints raised so far. This has to be fixed as a priority item by Quicken.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @Joe A Lopez said:
    > I discovered this problem after upgrading to the current release. All tags from all historical transactions were similarly erased. Fortunately I was able to recover them by restoring a recent backup, and have turned off mobile sync until Quicken makes a fix available. I also reported the problem as a bug to add to the list of complaints raised so far. This has to be fixed as a priority item by Quicken.

    It looks like you have taken all of the steps that we can do from our end. Thanks for reporting this so Quicken can get an idea of how many are affected. As you say, hopefully fixing this will be a priority for them.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Having the same issue. Leaving a comment to get notified of when a hotfix is put into place. Quicken is unusable for me until that time
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm doing the same. If no solution is provided quickly, I need to pivot to an alternative. I've got nearly 30 plus years of data.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I've started backing up more frequently and also exporting all transactions occasionally, since restoring from backup still leaves one with the task of re-entering transactions made after the backup. Since transactions made since a backup can be for dates prior to the backup, it isn't easy to tell what's missing from a restored backup, so to be sure, you will have to export all transactions from the restored backup and compare them to the transactions exported since the backup. Remember to export not just "All Transactions" pseudo-account, but also purchases in investment accounts, since they aren't in "All Transactions".

    On the whole, this level of belt and suspenders (and tailor and seamstress and clothing store) data protection manually on the part of a user is a ridiculous burden made necessary by ridiculously untrustworthy software.

    I am actively looking for a viable alternative to Quicken, which just isn't reliable, even at retaining the data I've entrusted to it. So sad.
  • Member ✭✭
    @thquick what format do you use when you export the transactions?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Hi all - I've just started reading through this thread and even using backups won't bring back my tags on each transaction. This is extremely disappointing and ridiculous to be honest. I'm really looking to move away from Quicken after this incident. Does anyone have any recommendations for an alternative that will have a smooth data migration? Thanks in advance!
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Quicken has just released an update (R42.19 HF1).

    Having applied the update, and been sure to create a backup, I tried re-activating Quicken Mobile and Web and then syncing.

    Once again tags disappeared from my transactions. FYI.... In case you are wondering if the latest update had solved the problem. :(
  • Member ✭✭
    I won't be re-enabling Mobile Sync until a see in an upcoming release notes that they have a fix for the tag issue.
  • Quicken Canada Subscription Unconfirmed, Windows Beta, Canada Beta Beta
    I am having this problem as well with Canadian version of Quicken - R42.11 Build I trust it will be fixed in all versions of Quicken asap. It was a lot of work to restore form a backup, update the missing transactions (banking and investments) and then verify the results.  By the way, my budget information has been disappearing for years (have reported it many times); perhaps they can find this info as well.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Just a reminder to please, if you have not already done so, to please use the Help/Report a Problem process to show Quicken how many people are having the issue. Attaching your log files, etc. can also help them to better diagnose and fix the issue.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I also have lost over 20 years of tags and restoring older backups have not resolved the issue. I hope a fix will restore the data or is it lost forever. I too am looking for alternative to Quicken if there is no fix to this Quicken error. All users are expecting a quick response and projected time for resolution.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    It appears that it might be related to at least TWO items ....
    1 - you are running Quicken Release 42.18 ......   Help --> About Quicken
    2 - you have enabled Quicken Cloud and SYNC - which might be the catalyst
    SO - please comment if you have both of these on your failing Quicken tags
  • Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello again,

    Thank you all for reaching out to the Community and reporting this issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    This issue has been escalated internally, though we do not have an ETA on resolution. While the investigation remains ongoing, please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates.

    We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Quicken Anja - Thanks for the update and we look forward to a quick resolution to this issue.
  • Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    edited July 2022
    > @Jim_Harman said:
    > This sounds like a serious problem but it is apparently only affecting a limited number of users....
    > Hopefully a Moderator will follow up in this discussion with an acknowledgement.
    It's too bad that EVERYONE seems to minimize problems in this community. Let's not make judgements such as ".. apparently only affecting a limited number of users .." I'm all for supporting the product, but let's try to not assume it's only affecting a limited number of users in the future. From the number of people who are adding comments here in the "Tags missing after update" reported in the community, maybe we should let the number of comments determine the severity in the future. Might be nice to have a counter at the top of the header to determine activity on this and other topics, right?

    Do I have some agreement here? Would this be a nice feature?

    I have found that if I search on "HOME› ALERTS, ONLINE BANKING & KNOWN PRODUCT ISSUES" that the number of comments is displayed ONLY in this method of searching
    ... https://community.quicken.com/search?query=tags&scope=site&source=community
    And in this area, there allows a search by 1) Best Match, 2) Newest, 3) Oldest.
    How about a sort on 4) Most Comments ???
    For this chain as of this writing there are 54 results (comments)

    If on the otherhand I use this method searching...
    https://community.quicken.com/search?query=tags deleted&scope=site&name=tags deleted&source=community

    Then for this same chain I get 7 results (comments)

    Again wouldn't it make sense to have an option to sort by the number of comments in the discussion???
  • Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    > @Smokeyham said:
    > Quicken has just released an update (R42.19 HF1).
    > Having applied the update, and been sure to create a backup, I tried re-activating Quicken Mobile and Web and then syncing.
    > Once again tags disappeared from my transactions. FYI.... In case you are wondering if the latest update had solved the problem. :(

    Where is the quality control that we have expected from Quicken programmers in the past. Are the updates going thru some QC scrutiny? And why didn't this get addressed in R42.19.

    These errors and lack of QC are causing me time and money away from other endeavors, to which the last expiration in my subscription prevented reconciling. I expect some extended subscription added to our accounts for all that are having this issue.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022

    If you look at a listing of discussions rather than the details, you will see that this discussion currently has 980 views and 89 comments, which certainly indicates how widespread this issue is. 

    This original post about this problem was on July 14 but the Alert from Quicken was not posted until July 28. It should not have taken Quicken 2 weeks and some prodding from Superusers to acknowledge this problem.

    The best way to let Quicken know that you are one of those affected by a problem is to use the Help > Report a problem link. You will not get a response to this, but the information you provide is used for statistical purposes and may also help them to diagnose and fix the problem. If no Alert has been posted about the problem or any posted workaround does not work for you, you should also contact Quicken Support and make sure the agent understands the issue.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Jim_Harman said: If you look at a listing of discussions rather than the details, you will see that this discussion currently has 980 views and 89 comments, which certainly indicates how widespread this issue is. 

    This original post about this problem was on July 14 but the Alert from Quicken was not posted until July 28. It should not have taken Quicken 2 weeks and some prodding from Superusers to acknowledge this problem.
    Yup - a lot of us have come from the corp world with an IT involvement.....
    I can't remember any situation where a problem had been reported, and then left hanging for 2 weeks before even posting to a self admin ALERT area.  It's unfortunate that a lot of the old style QC no longer exists, and it's more of shoot from the hip & make it look pretty.
    I am sitting at R41.10 - and probably will NOT upgrade to newer releases until things settle down...
    Several problems are related to the newly created - Quicken Cloud & SYNC - .... NOPE.... NOT enabling this feature.
    Can't really read the SUPPORT website due to the frozen top header that they think is helpful - NOPE... mental flaw.
    Quicken installs upgrades without prompting the user ... NOPE .... reset UAC or I run as Limited User - again mental flaw.
    The Schwab disaster, the recent Chase issues with Bill Payment feature, and now this TAG issue - the list keeps growing.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2022

    > The best way to let Quicken know that you are one of those affected by a problem is to use the Help > Report a problem link. You will not get a response to this, but the information you provide is used for statistical purposes and may also help them to diagnose and fix the problem. If no Alert has been posted about the problem or any posted workaround does not work for you, you should also contact Quicken Support and make sure the agent understands the issue.<

    I agree. The more of us that submit alerts to the problem, and the associated logs, then the more Quicken will understand the problem and the more information they will have to help solve it.
This discussion has been closed.