Chase - Program Freezes when Attempting to Update



  • Peter Isakson
    Peter Isakson Member ✭✭✭
    > @GlennVT said:
    > contacted chat support and they helped me fix it! W/ account deactivated -Go to Tools> Add account> Chase - signed in and then it linked to my existing account.
    I just did this, about 11:10 eastern time, and it worked. If you go to the pre-existing Chase account (in my case, both are credit cards) directly and try to activate online from there it causes Quicken to hang, and you have to kill it with Task manager. Using the Tools > Add account menu item lets you sign in to Chase via a web browser, then you will (maybe) see that your accounts are already linked, but if you proceed, you do get to a dialog in Quicken that lets you link to the pre-existing accounts with all your history.
  • mark.granoff
    mark.granoff Member ✭✭✭
    I am a software developer myself. Some of the quality issues in this application are astounding to me. I am glad it works as well as it does though, for what I need it to do. (And I do a lot: regular banking, investments, business.)
  • es114
    es114 Member ✭✭
    Went thru the conversion I think. Had dim screen also. After conversion my check register is corrupted. I have entries that I can see in the "spending" file but do not appear in the register. Please help.
  • Jack Scripps
    Jack Scripps Member ✭✭
    Tools, Add Account, Chase, authorize, and back to Quicken for Link to existing account. Worked like a charm.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    @Jack Scripps with deactivating required first, yes?

    And do I need to deleyte my Chase online billers first?

    Trying to be sure this time. Enough failed attempts when first announced.

  • Jack Scripps
    Jack Scripps Member ✭✭
    Yes, I had deactivated my account before anything else. I have no Chase online billers, so I do not know the answer to your second question. I understand your wanting to be extra careful, though. You don't want any bad surprises..... Good luck.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks, Jack. ALready had some bad experiences in an earlier Chase thread. No looking to repeat :)
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Just started a new thread as my experience is different and did not want it to get lost in all the other Chase threads. Here is what it says:

    Truly sorry for another thread. I can't find an appropriate thread to post in among the myriad.

    I read most of the threads with folks experiences since the email alerting us to make the change and the popup in Quicken, both with little to no instructions what to do. I had such high hopes for the folks that posted the AHA!, deactivate then add new, authorize, link. Well, that does not work!!

    Here is what I did:

    1.         Unlinked my Chase Online Bills
    2.         Deleted my Chase Online Bills
    3.         Went to each Chase CC account and deactivated.
    4.         Went to add accounts, CHASE and the dialog to authorize and transferred to CHase in a browser.
    5.         Did ALL the steps and after agreeing the browser screen went blank.
    6.         Back in Quicken, message that the authorization failed. Try again. So I did.
    7.         Thinking it was a browser issue, I used a different browser.
    8.         Exactly the same results.
    9.         Chase did show me three accounts. I have only two, one was closed years ago. I tried just checking the two live accounts and then trying all including the closed. Same results. Nothing in the browser, failed at Quicken.

    Can ANYONE help me at this point?
    Should I try changing connection method?

    Jack, what was you last screen in your browser at Chase? I NEVER can get to that.
  • Jack Scripps
    Jack Scripps Member ✭✭
    Boy, I wish I could remember exactly. My best guess is that the screen said that my account (only one for me) was now authorized to provide information to Quicken. It provided a link to Quicken, as I recall. When I followed that path, the familiar Quicken screen was already open asking if the Chase account should be linked to an existing account in Quicken, to which I responded yes and selected the Quicken account (again only one) to be updated. Quicken then created the new download path and I am off and running. I wonder if having multiple accounts is somehow confusing the Quicken/Chase handshake? Wish I could help more ...
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    @Jack Scripps thanks. Pop-up window? Same browswer container? Happen immediately or some tiime after last thing you clicked? Just trying to see exactly how my experience differs.

  • Jack Scripps
    Jack Scripps Member ✭✭
    All I know is that I initiated the whole thing in Quicken by starting with Tools, Add an account, ... etc. When I selected Chase as the bank, it asked for my credentials and then perhaps went directly to a screen in the Chase screen saying that my account was now authorized to release information to Quicken. I clicked on a button, I think, which opened the familiar Quicken dialog box for adding an account (ie. add, link, or do not download to Quicken). I believe at this time I was completely out of the Chase online account screen. Pretty sure, because after the whole process was completed, I remember closing one or more Chase web pages that were still open. I did not make notes along the way, so sorry I am not much help with the particulars.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thats ok. that in itself is helpful. Thanks, Jack.
  • KHDawg
    KHDawg Member ✭✭
    Adding another positive experience for the following fix - so far so good although a couple of duplicate transactions came through (simply removed them without adding to register).
    > @GlennVT said:
    > contacted chat support and they helped me fix it! W/ account deactivated -Go to Tools> Add account> Chase - signed in and then it linked to my existing account.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    I wish my authorization at Chase in the browser would complete. Cannot understand why not.
  • I was finally able to access my Chase account, but I first had to edit the account (find the account in the Account pane, right click on the account and choose "Edit/Delete Account"), select the "Online Services" tab, then click on the "Reset Account" button and follow the prompts.
  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭
    rblinzl said:
    I was finally able to access my Chase account, but I first had to edit the account (find the account in the Account pane, right click on the account and choose "Edit/Delete Account"), select the "Online Services" tab, then click on the "Reset Account" button and follow the prompts.

    Reset account for me (and others) freezes Quicken rather than going to the Chase Authorization pages. Did this go there for you @rblinzl ?
  • Quicken was freezing yesterday when I tried to update the connection directly from the Account ledger, but today I went into the "Edit/Delete Account" page and the "Reset Account" button worked from there.
  • RBLeggett12
    RBLeggett12 Member ✭✭✭
    > @GlennVT said:
    > contacted chat support and they helped me fix it! W/ account deactivated -Go to Tools> Add account> Chase - signed in and then it linked to my existing account.

    This worked for me, as well!
  • I've received a new popup notification in Quicken to update a connection to my Chase accounts. (I am sure you all saw previous notifications about changes to Chase coming). The new configuration does not store passwords as Chase & Quicken maintain a "shared token" that authenticates between the two. I've decided to move forward with one of my accounts to test it as I honestly do not trust Quicken based on the previous experience with their QA of new features or even small changes. The authentication worked on Chase side, but on Quicken side, it asked me to link Chase account with an existing account in Quicken, and of course, my existing account was not in the list of available choices. Again, no surprise there. Again, Quicken QA is just a disgrace (I really hope they are reading this!).
    So, now, I am where you are guys - with the dimmed pop-up and previous sync to the account broken.
    If you are reading this and care about your Chase downloads, do not make changes related to Chase until Quicken explicitly fixes it and someone (other than Quicken) actually confirms that it is working.
  • This is how I made it work without Quicken support. First, deactivate current Chase online connections. (You need to go to each Chase account edit Online Service and click "deactivate"). You can do this one at a time, but it would be easier if you do them all before proceeding further. Then click on Tools, Add Account, pick Chase and follow instructions. If you skip deactivating online connection(s), Quicken does not allow you to link Chase account to an appropriate account you have in Quicken.
    Also, do a backup before you start the process.
  • Exact same problem here. Very frustrating. Quicken was so much better before it went to subscription.
  • twlark
    twlark Member ✭✭
    Same here. Tried in both Windows 7 and Windows 10.
  • TK_1
    TK_1 Member ✭✭
    > @scottforgues said:
    > I went through the new authorization process with Chase and it popped up and didn't allow me to select my existing accounts. After cancelling the process, now all that happens is the Quicken app dims like there should be a popup but there is no popup...nothing. I tried reverting back and starting over and still the same problem. I tried deactivating all the accounts and tried to set up online links fresh and still same problem of dimmed Quicken and no popup. Any ideas as to what to do next? Maybe wait until they fix this process?

    I had the same problem. I authorized at Chase, and the list of accounts presented to "link to" was wrong, so I went to Chase and removed the authorization. I had to call them to allow me to set it up again. I had removed the old on-line functionality for my two chase accounts, but when I go to either one and attempt to set up on-line access, the screen goes to a gray state and locks up. I have to use Task Manager to terminate it. This has been going on for several days, and I am getting frustrated.
    FYI, One-Step update works for all accounts but these two Chase accounts. This is to be expected, as I cannot set up either of these to connect to Chase.
  • CVass
    CVass Member ✭✭
    This Works!!!!
    deactivate existing connections to chase. W/ account deactivated -Go to Tools> Add account> Chase - signed in and then it linked to my existing account.
  • cpetrovsky
    cpetrovsky Member ✭✭✭
    i get the chase auth screen, finalize chase auth and then see the quicken add account screen waiting to complete forever. The Quicken modal screen never closes and nothing works. And yes, I have deauthorized Chase previously add added account. And rebooted. No change. Screenshot on web screen: and screenshot of Quicken modal at same time:
  • > @cpetrovsky said:
    > i get the chase auth screen, finalize chase auth and then see the quicken add account screen waiting to complete forever. The Quicken modal screen never closes and nothing works. And yes, I have deauthorized Chase previously add added account. And rebooted. No change. Screenshot on web screen: and screenshot of Quicken modal at same time:

    Same issue. No idea how to fix it. Beyond frustrating
  • Linda
    Linda Member ✭✭
    CVass's suggestion worked perfectly. Go to Tools> Add account> Chase - signed in and then it linked to my existing account.
  • cpetrovsky
    cpetrovsky Member ✭✭✭
    after 4 attempts at same, it finally added but timed out 3 times first.
  • Daniel Arbeeny
    Daniel Arbeeny Member ✭✭
    The first time I did the Chase changeover the communications between Quicken & Chase worked. However, Quicken did NOT find the account to link to. So I deactivated the account and tried again, many times in fact. Each time Chase accepted the new authorization (I checked the website) YET Chase pushed me to "We'll be back shortly"" error page. I deauthorize Quicken in the Chase website and same result.
    I also hang if I try to reactivate the account...the only way it works is by going to the add account (as stated many times in this thread).
    So it seems to me that this is a Chase problem NOT passing the right info to Quicken PLUS getting the Chase error page. Quicken certainly has a few of its own bugs but they are worked around for now.
    The QA on both sides is not good!
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