Comenity Bank AAA Visa Card



  • Yup. Its "fixed". Of course, all the recent transactions are called "Bread" but at least, Quicken and Comenity accounts are linked. Not sure who or what fixed this, but I suspect it had something to do with whomever actually got through to a "true" support person so I give the win to Dexter8. The power of the community rules!
  • FJS2022
    FJS2022 Member ✭✭
    I was also successful AFTER I installed the Quicken update
  • FJS2022, May I assume you mean 44.27? Just came out today. I can tell you it didnt work under 44.25

    So now, what are the Vegas odds on getting quickpay to work with Comenity? I am giving 40 to 1 against. I cant even get quickpay to pay my Chase Cards! Quicken life was simpler before October.
  • With respect to "Bread", says
    "Some transactions made in the days leading up to or during the transition of your account from the previous bank may be listed as "Bread Trailing Activity" or "Prior Card Transaction.""
  • lingojf
    lingojf Member ✭✭
    Just when I was ready to give a sigh of relief (the payment I made the day before this account was activated just appeared in the Quicken download) I find I cannot log onto Comenity site due to a, "technical glitch."
  • BillQ
    BillQ Member ✭✭
    It finally works with AAA Advantage Visa CC - typical of how Comenity doesn't test the function of their website before going live.....
  • Jerry2
    Jerry2 Member ✭✭
    The official response I got from Comenity was:

    Follow these steps to add your AAA Visa Signature credit card account to

    1. Sign in to your Quicken account
    2. Select "Add Credit Card Account"
    3. When prompted to enter your bank name, enter the name of your AAA
    Visa Signature credit card account

    Please note, the Quicken file extension .QFX is not supported in or by
    Account Center. Alternatively, you will be able to download Excel or
    Open Financial Exchange files.
  • Jerry2
    Jerry2 Member ✭✭
    The "AAA Preferred Rewards" suggestion did not work for me. It says connection error. It's not your fault.

    They obviously have not set things up properly yet.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jerry2 said:
    The "AAA Preferred Rewards" suggestion did not work for me. It says connection error. It's not your fault.
    They obviously have not set things up properly yet.
    Did you miss this? Another customer stated that AAA Advantage Visa CC was the correct new financial institution entry to choose.
    Please use the "+" (Add Account) icon in the Account Bar to set up the new connection and LINK your existing account register to the account found at the bank (or let Quicken create a new account register for you).

  • rpixley
    rpixley Member ✭✭
    I'd be interested in knowing what is in the contract between Comenity and AAA when AAA decided to let them manage their credit card business. My guess is there is no contractural obligation for Comenity to provide an interface with Quicken and similar services, which is what AAA members expect. If so, what was AAA thinking when they switched from Bank of America? Where were they?
  • Jerry2
    Jerry2 Member ✭✭
    Yes it finally connected with "AAA Advantage...".
    Still not perfect though. It created a new quicken account with "no credit card number" into which it did download the correct transactions. That's not big problem because I just renamed the account in Quicken.

    But, it downloaded transactions since June only.

    What is the best way to proceed in Quicken? Merge the previous AAA card account with this new one? Won't that cause duplication of transactions? Some other way?

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jerry2 said:
    Yes it finally connected with "AAA Advantage...".
    Still not perfect though. It created a new quicken account with "no credit card number" into which it did download the correct transactions. That's not big problem because I just renamed the account in Quicken.
    But, it downloaded transactions since June only.
    What is the best way to proceed in Quicken? Merge the previous AAA card account with this new one? Won't that cause duplication of transactions? Some other way?

    Keep the new account, but clean up duplicate transactions between the old and the new one.
    Leave the old account as is. Transfer the balance as of a cutover date, to set balance of old account to 0.00
    In the new register edit Opening Balance to 0.00 and, after cleaning up duplicates and transactions dated before cutover date, reconcile to make sure, everything's good.
    Mark the old account as closed.
    And don't forget to change the Scheduled Reminder for the monthly credit card payment to the new bank details.

  • DexterB
    DexterB Member ✭✭
    Yay!!! AAA CC account #1 connected! Clicked "Actions" (gear icon) > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab and it connected!!

    I got 3 "Bread Trailing Activity..." entries but was able to figure out what they were. (Two monthly fees + an Amazon purchase). Thanks to all!
  • Jerry2
    Jerry2 Member ✭✭
    > @UKR said:
    > Keep the new account, but clean up duplicate transactions between the old and the new one.
    > Leave the old account as is. Transfer the balance as of a cutover date, to set balance of old account to 0.00
    > In the new register edit Opening Balance to 0.00 and, after cleaning up duplicates and transactions dated before cutover date, reconcile to make sure, everything's good.
    > Mark the old account as closed.
    > And don't forget to change the Scheduled Reminder for the monthly credit card payment to the new bank details.

    Thank you very much for the detailed instructions. They are greatly appreciated.

    Just to clarify, when you say:
    "> Keep the new account, but clean up duplicate transactions between the old and the new one."

    do you means delete the newly downloaded now-duplicate transactions in the "new" account? Leaving them alone in the old one?

    I ask because at year-end I usually have quicken create a report (to help with preparing my taxes) that includes the credit card transactions sorted by their assigned categories. So I need to get this straight.

    Thank you again.
  • profcs
    profcs Unconfirmed, Member
    The problem when I try to download transactions is that it does not give you the option of downloading in the QFX file format. For me it only gives you the option of Excel format and Open Financial Exchange format (OFX). Neither of those is compatible with Quicken. Their online support is of no help. I may try again in the future. But the only option I can think of notifying AAA that you will cancel (or at least not use) the credit card until it is made compatible with Quicken. AAA obviously gets some payment from the card issuer for our charges. It may be that Comenity offered more than BOFA. So maybe the threat of losing that business will prompt AAA to insist that Comenity clean up its act. I do not feel like taking the time to manually enter every transactions into Quicken.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jerry2 said:
    Just to clarify, when you say:
    "> Keep the new account, but clean up duplicate transactions between the old and the new one."
    do you means delete the newly downloaded now-duplicate transactions in the "new" account? Leaving them alone in the old one?
    In the new account register, transactions for the last 60 - 90 days were downloaded. A number of them will already have been entered in the old account. So, yes, you are correct: leave the old register's transactions as they are and delete their duplicate occurrence in the new account register.
    You want to have an old account register with all good transactions until a cutoff date, where the old register stopped and the new one started to exist. On cutoff date record a transfer of balance from old to new account.
    You should now be able to reconcile both registers to their respective statements.

  • pholmes
    pholmes Unconfirmed, Member
    For those of you with the AAA card where the bank changed from Bank of America (BofA) to Comenity, and who could not connect to Comenity to download transactions, I've found the solution (at least for me...)

    I had disconnected my BofA account in Quicken from BofA. Then I kept trying to connect the same account to both Comenity bank options and the "AAA Preferred" option (which was the correct URL, but it just didn't work.) But another poster had the solution, which basically is "Add a new account, and then link to the existing Quicken account"

    (1) Disconnect your account register account from BofA
    (2) [Accounts > Add account...] or use the "+" (Add Account) icon in the Account Bar
    (3) search for and choose "AAA Advantage Visa CC"
    (4) LINK to your existing old BofA account instead of creating a new account register account

    Hope this helps!
  • pholmes
    pholmes Unconfirmed, Member
    P.S. I also updated to latest version of Quicken first.
  • Jimmy Hurst
    Jimmy Hurst Member ✭✭
    I was having the same problem a lot of other people were having with downloading transactions from Comenity Bank to Quicken. After reading this thread I was able to add a new credit card account in Quicken by selecting AAA Advantage Visa CC and linking it to my former B of A account. I also noticed that the new account number for the Comenity Bank credit card didn't get brought over in the Quicken account details.

    I wanted to thank everyone that posted to this thread with the workaround.
  • Jimmy Hurst
    Jimmy Hurst Member ✭✭
    Has anyone noticed that transactions from Comenity that have been posted by them haven't been downloaded to Quicken for a few days? I've got some transactions from 10/20 through 10/22 that haven't been downloaded to Quicken yet.
  • JDT
    JDT Member ✭✭
    Still no Online Biller for AAA Advantage Visa ... Comenity Bank. Anyone know if someone is working on this? This means having to use Quickpay. After all these many years, I may just give up the AAA Advantage Card.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    JDT said:
    Still no Online Biller for AAA Advantage Visa ... Comenity Bank. Anyone know if someone is working on this? This means having to use Quickpay. After all these many years, I may just give up the AAA Advantage Card.

    There are Alternatives to Online Bill Pay, you know:

    1. Use Quicken Bill Manager's Check Pay
    2. Logon to the bank's website and make your bill pay payments from the bank. In parallel to that, in Quicken use a regular Scheduled Reminder to record your payment. Repeat every time another payment is due.
    3. Logon to the biller's website once and set up their Autopay, APS, Direct debit, etc. to make the current payment and all future payments on Due Date directly from your checking account. In parallel to that, in Quicken use a regular Scheduled Reminder to record your payments before they come due.
    4. Write (or print with Quicken) a paper check and mail it to the biller, making sure to mail payment early enough (around 10 days before due date) to allow time for delivery and processing.

    I've been using a variation of method #3 for decades, since before the Internet and dial-up were even invented. It's easy to get used to this process. And I have yet to miss a single payment.

  • JDT
    JDT Member ✭✭
    Thanks, but I do not intend to use another method of payment. I have paid all of my accounts (except local small accts) with Quicken Online Bill Pay for years. Using that method, I know when the payment is made and can confirm usually the same day. I paid the last payment to Comenity with Check Pay, but I will not trust the mail or Comenity to get payments there and posted on time. I'll wait about 10 days and hope it gets there on time. I'm considering cancelling what is now my 45 year membership with AAA because of this mess.
  • Douglas Alden
    Douglas Alden Member ✭✭✭
    > @Joseph said:
    > When will the Comenity Bank AAA Visa card be supported as a connected account? I see a list of other Comenity Bank cards but not the AAA Visa card.

    When choosing connecting institution, choose: AAA Visa CC
  • Douglas Alden
    Douglas Alden Member ✭✭✭
    > @lingojf said:
    > As an additional challenge today, I believe the site is down. See

    When choosing connecting institution, choose: AAA Visa CC
  • Douglas Alden
    Douglas Alden Member ✭✭✭
    (1) Disconnect your account register account from BofA
    (2) [Accounts > Add account..." or use the "+" (Add Account) icon in the Account Bar
    (3) search for and choose "AAA Advantage Visa CC"
    (4) LINK to your existing old BofA account instead of creating a new account register account
  • For what it's worth, this does not work for me. I've added a new account, connected to "AAA Advantage Visa CC" with my username and password, I eventually got it to connect, but now it says "One Step Update Complete" but zero transactions are downloaded. Any other tips as to what I might be missing?
  • Jim Maher
    Jim Maher Member ✭✭
    I have been having the same problem. I reached out to Comenity Bank Directly. I was told that they do not support the QFX format. This is apparently because Intuit Charges some sort of fee to do this. The only type of downloads available are: Excel (which I have tried multiple times and never works) and something called Open Financial Exchange which you apparently need special software to use. I have stopped using the account and will probably close it unless this gets fixed. QFX is a very common format and Comenity is a major credit card provider. It is a totally ridiculous situation. I am highly annoyed to say the least.
  • joekivel
    joekivel Member ✭✭✭
    I have been using One Step Update to download Comenity transactions to Quicken without any problems. I have Quicken Online Service set to 'Express Web Connect'. Comenity doesn't do 'Direct Connect'. Difference is Express Web Connect is Download ONLY.

    Direct Connect is Download & Upload. You would only need Upload for Quicken to pay bills from Comenity.
  • JDT
    JDT Member ✭✭
    The problem is not about being able to connect for downloading transactions. I have been able to connect and download transactions since a few days after the conversion occurred in October. The problem is that I can find no link to set up the the AAA Visa card as an Online Biller for "Quick Pay". The old link to BOA is still there, but nothing for Comenity Bank.
This discussion has been closed.